2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
package rpc
import (
2022-04-04 09:45:56 +00:00
2022-05-02 12:54:56 +00:00
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
import "github.com/lesismal/nbio"
import "github.com/lesismal/nbio/logging"
import "net"
import "bytes"
import "encoding/hex"
import "encoding/json"
import "runtime"
import "strings"
import "math/big"
import "crypto/ecdsa"
import "crypto/elliptic"
2022-05-02 12:54:56 +00:00
import "sync/atomic"
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
import "crypto/rand"
import "crypto/x509"
import "encoding/pem"
import "github.com/deroproject/derohe/globals"
2022-01-06 04:11:51 +00:00
import "github.com/deroproject/derohe/config"
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
import "github.com/deroproject/derohe/rpc"
import "github.com/deroproject/graviton"
import "github.com/go-logr/logr"
// this file implements the non-blocking job streamer
// only job is to stream jobs to thousands of workers, if any is successful,accept and report back
import "sync"
var memPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return make([]byte, 16*1024)
var logger_getwork logr.Logger
var (
svr *nbhttp.Server
print = flag.Bool("print", false, "stdout output of echoed data")
type user_session struct {
blocks uint64
miniblocks uint64
2022-05-02 12:54:56 +00:00
rejected uint64
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
lasterr string
address rpc.Address
valid_address bool
address_sum [32]byte
var client_list_mutex sync.Mutex
var client_list = map[*websocket.Conn]*user_session{}
2022-04-04 09:45:56 +00:00
var miners_count int
2022-05-02 12:54:56 +00:00
// this will track miniblock rate,
var mini_found_time []int64 // this array contains a epoch timestamp in int64
var rate_lock sync.Mutex
//this function will return wrong result if too wide time glitches happen to system clock
func Counter(seconds int64) (r int) { // we need atleast 1 mini to find a rate
defer rate_lock.Unlock()
length := len(mini_found_time)
if length > 0 {
start_point := time.Now().Unix() - seconds
i := sort.Search(length, func(i int) bool { return mini_found_time[i] >= start_point })
if i < len(mini_found_time) {
r = length - i
return // return 0
func cleanup() {
defer rate_lock.Unlock()
length := len(mini_found_time)
if length > 0 {
start_point := time.Now().Unix() - 30*24*3600 // only keep data of last 30 days
i := sort.Search(length, func(i int) bool { return mini_found_time[i] >= start_point })
if i > 1000 && i < length {
mini_found_time = append(mini_found_time[:0], mini_found_time[i:]...) // renew the array
// this will calcuate amount of hashrate based on the number of minis
// note this calculation is very crude
// note it will always be lagging, since NW conditions are quite dynamic
// this is used to roughly estimate your hash rate on this integrator of all miners
// note this is a moving avg
func HashrateEstimatePercent(timeframe int64) float64 {
return float64(Counter(timeframe)*100) / (float64(timeframe*10) / float64(config.BLOCK_TIME))
// note this will be be 0, if you have less than 1/48000 hash power
func HashrateEstimatePercent_1hr() float64 {
return HashrateEstimatePercent(3600)
// note result will be 0, if you have less than 1/2000 hash power
func HashrateEstimatePercent_1day() float64 {
return HashrateEstimatePercent(24 * 3600)
// note this will be 0, if you have less than 1/(48000*7)
func HashrateEstimatePercent_7day() float64 {
return HashrateEstimatePercent(7 * 24 * 3600)
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
func CountMiners() int {
2022-05-02 12:54:56 +00:00
defer cleanup()
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
defer client_list_mutex.Unlock()
2022-04-04 09:45:56 +00:00
miners_count = len(client_list)
return miners_count
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
2022-05-02 12:54:56 +00:00
var CountMinisAccepted int64 // total accepted which passed Powtest, chain may still ignore them
var CountMinisRejected int64 // total rejected // note we are only counting rejected as those which didnot pass Pow test
var CountBlocks int64 // total blocks found as integrator, note that block can still be a orphan
// total = CountAccepted + CountRejected + CountBlocks(they may be orphan or may not get rewarded)
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
func SendJob() {
2022-04-04 09:45:56 +00:00
defer globals.Recover(1)
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
// get a block template, and then we will fill the address here as optimization
2022-03-03 10:49:59 +00:00
bl, mbl_main, _, _, err := chain.Create_new_block_template_mining(chain.IntegratorAddress())
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
if err != nil {
prev_hash := ""
for i := range bl.Tips {
prev_hash = prev_hash + bl.Tips[i].String()
diff := chain.Get_Difficulty_At_Tips(bl.Tips)
2022-03-03 10:49:59 +00:00
if mbl_main.HighDiff {
2022-01-06 04:11:51 +00:00
diff.Mul(diff, new(big.Int).SetUint64(config.MINIBLOCK_HIGHDIFF))
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
defer client_list_mutex.Unlock()
2022-03-03 10:49:59 +00:00
for rk, rv := range client_list {
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
2022-03-03 10:49:59 +00:00
go func(k *websocket.Conn, v *user_session) {
defer globals.Recover(2)
var buf bytes.Buffer
encoder := json.NewEncoder(&buf)
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
2022-05-02 12:54:56 +00:00
var params rpc.GetBlockTemplate_Result
params.JobID = fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%s", bl.Timestamp, 0, "notified")
params.Height = bl.Height
params.Prev_Hash = prev_hash
params.Difficultyuint64 = diff.Uint64()
params.Difficulty = diff.String()
2022-03-03 10:49:59 +00:00
mbl := mbl_main
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
2022-03-03 10:49:59 +00:00
if !mbl.Final { //write miners address only if possible
copy(mbl.KeyHash[:], v.address_sum[:])
for i := range mbl.Nonce { // give each user different work
mbl.Nonce[i] = globals.Global_Random.Uint32() // fill with randomness
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
2022-03-03 10:49:59 +00:00
if !v.valid_address && !chain.IsAddressHashValid(false, v.address_sum) {
params.LastError = "unregistered miner or you need to wait 15 mins"
} else {
v.valid_address = true
params.Blockhashing_blob = fmt.Sprintf("%x", mbl.Serialize())
params.Blocks = v.blocks
params.MiniBlocks = v.miniblocks
2022-05-02 12:54:56 +00:00
params.Rejected = v.rejected
2022-03-03 10:49:59 +00:00
k.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(100 * time.Millisecond))
k.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, buf.Bytes())
}(rk, rv)
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
func newUpgrader() *websocket.Upgrader {
u := websocket.NewUpgrader()
u.OnMessage(func(c *websocket.Conn, messageType websocket.MessageType, data []byte) {
// echo
2022-03-03 10:49:59 +00:00
//c.WriteMessage(messageType, data)
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
if messageType != websocket.TextMessage {
sess := c.Session().(*user_session)
2022-03-03 10:49:59 +00:00
defer client_list_mutex.Unlock()
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
var p rpc.SubmitBlock_Params
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &p); err != nil {
mbl_block_data_bytes, err := hex.DecodeString(p.MiniBlockhashing_blob)
if err != nil {
//logger.Info("Submitting block could not be decoded")
sess.lasterr = fmt.Sprintf("Submitted block could not be decoded. err: %s", err)
var tstamp, extra uint64
fmt.Sscanf(p.JobID, "%d.%d", &tstamp, &extra)
_, blid, sresult, err := chain.Accept_new_block(tstamp, mbl_block_data_bytes)
if sresult {
//logger.Infof("Submitted block %s accepted", blid)
if blid.IsZero() {
2022-05-02 12:54:56 +00:00
atomic.AddInt64(&CountMinisAccepted, 1)
defer rate_lock.Unlock()
mini_found_time = append(mini_found_time, time.Now().Unix())
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
} else {
2022-05-02 12:54:56 +00:00
atomic.AddInt64(&CountBlocks, 1)
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
2022-05-02 12:54:56 +00:00
if !sresult || err != nil {
atomic.AddInt64(&CountMinisRejected, 1)
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
u.OnClose(func(c *websocket.Conn, err error) {
2022-03-03 10:49:59 +00:00
defer client_list_mutex.Unlock()
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
delete(client_list, c)
2022-03-03 10:49:59 +00:00
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
return u
func onWebsocket(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/ws/") {
http.NotFound(w, r)
address := strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/ws/")
addr, err := globals.ParseValidateAddress(address)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "err: %s\n", err)
addr_raw := addr.PublicKey.EncodeCompressed()
upgrader := newUpgrader()
conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil)
if err != nil {
wsConn := conn.(*websocket.Conn)
session := user_session{address: *addr, address_sum: graviton.Sum(addr_raw)}
2022-03-03 10:49:59 +00:00
defer client_list_mutex.Unlock()
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
client_list[wsConn] = &session
2022-03-03 10:49:59 +00:00
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
func Getwork_server() {
var err error
logger_getwork = globals.Logger.WithName("GETWORK")
logging.SetLevel(logging.LevelNone) //LevelDebug)//LevelNone)
tlsConfig := &tls.Config{
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{generate_random_tls_cert()},
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
mux := &http.ServeMux{}
mux.HandleFunc("/", onWebsocket) // handle everything
default_address := fmt.Sprintf("", globals.Config.GETWORK_Default_Port)
if _, ok := globals.Arguments["--getwork-bind"]; ok && globals.Arguments["--getwork-bind"] != nil {
addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", globals.Arguments["--getwork-bind"].(string))
if err != nil {
logger_getwork.Error(err, "--getwork-bind address is invalid")
} else {
if addr.Port == 0 {
logger_getwork.Info("GETWORK server is disabled, No ports will be opened for miners to get work")
} else {
default_address = addr.String()
logger_getwork.Info("GETWORK will listen", "address", default_address)
svr = nbhttp.NewServer(nbhttp.Config{
Name: "GETWORK",
Network: "tcp",
AddrsTLS: []string{default_address},
TLSConfig: tlsConfig,
Handler: mux,
MaxLoad: 10 * 1024,
MaxWriteBufferSize: 32 * 1024,
ReleaseWebsocketPayload: true,
KeepaliveTime: 240 * time.Hour, // we expects all miners to find a block every 10 days,
NPoller: runtime.NumCPU(),
svr.OnReadBufferAlloc(func(c *nbio.Conn) []byte {
return memPool.Get().([]byte)
svr.OnReadBufferFree(func(c *nbio.Conn, b []byte) {
2022-04-04 09:45:56 +00:00
//globals.Cron.AddFunc("@every 2s", SendJob) // if daemon restart automaticaly send job
go func() { // try to be as optimized as possible to lower hash wastage
sleeptime, _ := time.ParseDuration(os.Getenv("JOB_SEND_TIME_DELAY")) // this will hopefully be never required to change
if sleeptime.Milliseconds() < 40 {
sleeptime = 500 * time.Millisecond
logger_getwork.Info("Job will be dispatched every", "time", sleeptime)
old_mini_count := 0
old_time := time.Now()
old_height := int64(0)
for {
if miners_count > 0 {
current_mini_count := chain.MiniBlocks.Count()
current_height := chain.Get_Height()
if old_mini_count != current_mini_count || old_height != current_height || time.Now().Sub(old_time) > sleeptime {
old_mini_count = current_mini_count
old_height = current_height
old_time = time.Now()
} else {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
2021-12-04 16:42:11 +00:00
if err = svr.Start(); err != nil {
logger_getwork.Error(err, "nbio.Start failed.")
logger.Info("GETWORK/Websocket server started")
defer svr.Stop()
// generate default tls cert to encrypt everything
// NOTE: this does NOT protect from individual active man-in-the-middle attacks
func generate_random_tls_cert() tls.Certificate {
/* RSA can do only 500 exchange per second, we need to be faster
* reference https://github.com/golang/go/issues/20058
key, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 512) // current using minimum size
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Private key cannot be created.", err.Error())
// Generate a pem block with the private key
keyPem := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{
Bytes: x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(key),
// EC256 does roughly 20000 exchanges per second
key, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader)
b, err := x509.MarshalECPrivateKey(key)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "Unable to marshal ECDSA private key")
// Generate a pem block with the private key
keyPem := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "EC PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: b})
tml := x509.Certificate{
SerialNumber: big.NewInt(int64(time.Now().UnixNano())),
// TODO do we need to add more parameters to make our certificate more authentic
// and thwart traffic identification as a mass scale
// you can add any attr that you need
NotBefore: time.Now().AddDate(0, -1, 0),
NotAfter: time.Now().AddDate(1, 0, 0),
// you have to generate a different serial number each execution
Subject: pkix.Name{
CommonName: "New Name",
Organization: []string{"New Org."},
BasicConstraintsValid: true, // even basic constraints are not required
cert, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, &tml, &tml, &key.PublicKey, key)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "Certificate cannot be created.")
// Generate a pem block with the certificate
certPem := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: cert})
tlsCert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(certPem, keyPem)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "Certificate cannot be loaded.")
return tlsCert