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package farm
func shiftMix(val uint64) uint64 {
return val ^ (val >> 47)
func hashLen16(u, v uint64) uint64 {
return hash128to64(uint128{u, v})
func hashLen16Mul(u, v, mul uint64) uint64 {
// Murmur-inspired hashing.
a := (u ^ v) * mul
a ^= (a >> 47)
b := (v ^ a) * mul
b ^= (b >> 47)
b *= mul
return b
func hashLen0to16(s []byte) uint64 {
slen := uint64(len(s))
if slen >= 8 {
mul := k2 + slen*2
a := fetch64(s, 0) + k2
b := fetch64(s, int(slen-8))
c := rotate64(b, 37)*mul + a
d := (rotate64(a, 25) + b) * mul
return hashLen16Mul(c, d, mul)
if slen >= 4 {
mul := k2 + slen*2
a := fetch32(s, 0)
return hashLen16Mul(slen+(uint64(a)<<3), uint64(fetch32(s, int(slen-4))), mul)
if slen > 0 {
a := s[0]
b := s[slen>>1]
c := s[slen-1]
y := uint32(a) + (uint32(b) << 8)
z := uint32(slen) + (uint32(c) << 2)
return shiftMix(uint64(y)*k2^uint64(z)*k0) * k2
return k2
// This probably works well for 16-byte strings as well, but it may be overkill
// in that case.
func hashLen17to32(s []byte) uint64 {
slen := len(s)
mul := k2 + uint64(slen*2)
a := fetch64(s, 0) * k1
b := fetch64(s, 8)
c := fetch64(s, slen-8) * mul
d := fetch64(s, slen-16) * k2
return hashLen16Mul(rotate64(a+b, 43)+rotate64(c, 30)+d, a+rotate64(b+k2, 18)+c, mul)
// Return a 16-byte hash for 48 bytes. Quick and dirty.
// Callers do best to use "random-looking" values for a and b.
func weakHashLen32WithSeedsWords(w, x, y, z, a, b uint64) (uint64, uint64) {
a += w
b = rotate64(b+a+z, 21)
c := a
a += x
a += y
b += rotate64(a, 44)
return a + z, b + c
// Return a 16-byte hash for s[0] ... s[31], a, and b. Quick and dirty.
func weakHashLen32WithSeeds(s []byte, a, b uint64) (uint64, uint64) {
return weakHashLen32WithSeedsWords(fetch64(s, 0),
fetch64(s, 8),
fetch64(s, 16),
fetch64(s, 24),
// Return an 8-byte hash for 33 to 64 bytes.
func hashLen33to64(s []byte) uint64 {
slen := len(s)
mul := k2 + uint64(slen)*2
a := fetch64(s, 0) * k2
b := fetch64(s, 8)
c := fetch64(s, slen-8) * mul
d := fetch64(s, slen-16) * k2
y := rotate64(a+b, 43) + rotate64(c, 30) + d
z := hashLen16Mul(y, a+rotate64(b+k2, 18)+c, mul)
e := fetch64(s, 16) * mul
f := fetch64(s, 24)
g := (y + fetch64(s, slen-32)) * mul
h := (z + fetch64(s, slen-24)) * mul
return hashLen16Mul(rotate64(e+f, 43)+rotate64(g, 30)+h, e+rotate64(f+a, 18)+g, mul)
func naHash64(s []byte) uint64 {
slen := len(s)
var seed uint64 = 81
if slen <= 32 {
if slen <= 16 {
return hashLen0to16(s)
return hashLen17to32(s)
if slen <= 64 {
return hashLen33to64(s)
// For strings over 64 bytes we loop.
// Internal state consists of 56 bytes: v, w, x, y, and z.
v := uint128{0, 0}
w := uint128{0, 0}
x := seed*k2 + fetch64(s, 0)
y := seed*k1 + 113
z := shiftMix(y*k2+113) * k2
// Set end so that after the loop we have 1 to 64 bytes left to process.
endIdx := ((slen - 1) / 64) * 64
last64Idx := endIdx + ((slen - 1) & 63) - 63
last64 := s[last64Idx:]
for len(s) > 64 {
x = rotate64(x+y+v.lo+fetch64(s, 8), 37) * k1
y = rotate64(y+v.hi+fetch64(s, 48), 42) * k1
x ^= w.hi
y += v.lo + fetch64(s, 40)
z = rotate64(z+w.lo, 33) * k1
v.lo, v.hi = weakHashLen32WithSeeds(s, v.hi*k1, x+w.lo)
w.lo, w.hi = weakHashLen32WithSeeds(s[32:], z+w.hi, y+fetch64(s, 16))
x, z = z, x
s = s[64:]
mul := k1 + ((z & 0xff) << 1)
// Make s point to the last 64 bytes of input.
s = last64
w.lo += (uint64(slen-1) & 63)
v.lo += w.lo
w.lo += v.lo
x = rotate64(x+y+v.lo+fetch64(s, 8), 37) * mul
y = rotate64(y+v.hi+fetch64(s, 48), 42) * mul
x ^= w.hi * 9
y += v.lo*9 + fetch64(s, 40)
z = rotate64(z+w.lo, 33) * mul
v.lo, v.hi = weakHashLen32WithSeeds(s, v.hi*mul, x+w.lo)
w.lo, w.hi = weakHashLen32WithSeeds(s[32:], z+w.hi, y+fetch64(s, 16))
x, z = z, x
return hashLen16Mul(hashLen16Mul(v.lo, w.lo, mul)+shiftMix(y)*k0+z, hashLen16Mul(v.hi, w.hi, mul)+x, mul)
func naHash64WithSeed(s []byte, seed uint64) uint64 {
return naHash64WithSeeds(s, k2, seed)
func naHash64WithSeeds(s []byte, seed0, seed1 uint64) uint64 {
return hashLen16(naHash64(s)-seed0, seed1)