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package logrus
import (
func TestEntryWithError(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
defer func() {
ErrorKey = "error"
err := fmt.Errorf("kaboom at layer %d", 4711)
assert.Equal(err, WithError(err).Data["error"])
logger := New()
logger.Out = &bytes.Buffer{}
entry := NewEntry(logger)
assert.Equal(err, entry.WithError(err).Data["error"])
ErrorKey = "err"
assert.Equal(err, entry.WithError(err).Data["err"])
func TestEntryWithContext(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "foo", "bar")
assert.Equal(ctx, WithContext(ctx).Context)
logger := New()
logger.Out = &bytes.Buffer{}
entry := NewEntry(logger)
assert.Equal(ctx, entry.WithContext(ctx).Context)
func TestEntryWithContextCopiesData(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
// Initialize a parent Entry object with a key/value set in its Data map
logger := New()
logger.Out = &bytes.Buffer{}
parentEntry := NewEntry(logger).WithField("parentKey", "parentValue")
// Create two children Entry objects from the parent in different contexts
ctx1 := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "foo", "bar")
childEntry1 := parentEntry.WithContext(ctx1)
assert.Equal(ctx1, childEntry1.Context)
ctx2 := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "bar", "baz")
childEntry2 := parentEntry.WithContext(ctx2)
assert.Equal(ctx2, childEntry2.Context)
assert.NotEqual(ctx1, ctx2)
// Ensure that data set in the parent Entry are preserved to both children
assert.Equal("parentValue", childEntry1.Data["parentKey"])
assert.Equal("parentValue", childEntry2.Data["parentKey"])
// Modify data stored in the child entry
childEntry1.Data["childKey"] = "childValue"
// Verify that data is successfully stored in the child it was set on
val, exists := childEntry1.Data["childKey"]
assert.Equal("childValue", val)
// Verify that the data change to child 1 has not affected its sibling
val, exists = childEntry2.Data["childKey"]
// Verify that the data change to child 1 has not affected its parent
val, exists = parentEntry.Data["childKey"]
func TestEntryWithTimeCopiesData(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
// Initialize a parent Entry object with a key/value set in its Data map
logger := New()
logger.Out = &bytes.Buffer{}
parentEntry := NewEntry(logger).WithField("parentKey", "parentValue")
// Create two children Entry objects from the parent with two different times
childEntry1 := parentEntry.WithTime(time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 1))
childEntry2 := parentEntry.WithTime(time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 2))
// Ensure that data set in the parent Entry are preserved to both children
assert.Equal("parentValue", childEntry1.Data["parentKey"])
assert.Equal("parentValue", childEntry2.Data["parentKey"])
// Modify data stored in the child entry
childEntry1.Data["childKey"] = "childValue"
// Verify that data is successfully stored in the child it was set on
val, exists := childEntry1.Data["childKey"]
assert.Equal("childValue", val)
// Verify that the data change to child 1 has not affected its sibling
val, exists = childEntry2.Data["childKey"]
// Verify that the data change to child 1 has not affected its parent
val, exists = parentEntry.Data["childKey"]
func TestEntryPanicln(t *testing.T) {
errBoom := fmt.Errorf("boom time")
defer func() {
p := recover()
assert.NotNil(t, p)
switch pVal := p.(type) {
case *Entry:
assert.Equal(t, "kaboom", pVal.Message)
assert.Equal(t, errBoom, pVal.Data["err"])
t.Fatalf("want type *Entry, got %T: %#v", pVal, pVal)
logger := New()
logger.Out = &bytes.Buffer{}
entry := NewEntry(logger)
entry.WithField("err", errBoom).Panicln("kaboom")
func TestEntryPanicf(t *testing.T) {
errBoom := fmt.Errorf("boom again")
defer func() {
p := recover()
assert.NotNil(t, p)
switch pVal := p.(type) {
case *Entry:
assert.Equal(t, "kaboom true", pVal.Message)
assert.Equal(t, errBoom, pVal.Data["err"])
t.Fatalf("want type *Entry, got %T: %#v", pVal, pVal)
logger := New()
logger.Out = &bytes.Buffer{}
entry := NewEntry(logger)
entry.WithField("err", errBoom).Panicf("kaboom %v", true)
func TestEntryPanic(t *testing.T) {
errBoom := fmt.Errorf("boom again")
defer func() {
p := recover()
assert.NotNil(t, p)
switch pVal := p.(type) {
case *Entry:
assert.Equal(t, "kaboom", pVal.Message)
assert.Equal(t, errBoom, pVal.Data["err"])
t.Fatalf("want type *Entry, got %T: %#v", pVal, pVal)
logger := New()
logger.Out = &bytes.Buffer{}
entry := NewEntry(logger)
entry.WithField("err", errBoom).Panic("kaboom")
const (
badMessage = "this is going to panic"
panicMessage = "this is broken"
type panickyHook struct{}
func (p *panickyHook) Levels() []Level {
return []Level{InfoLevel}
func (p *panickyHook) Fire(entry *Entry) error {
if entry.Message == badMessage {
return nil
func TestEntryHooksPanic(t *testing.T) {
logger := New()
logger.Out = &bytes.Buffer{}
logger.Level = InfoLevel
defer func() {
p := recover()
assert.NotNil(t, p)
assert.Equal(t, panicMessage, p)
entry := NewEntry(logger)
entry.Info("another message")
entry := NewEntry(logger)
func TestEntryWithIncorrectField(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
fn := func() {}
e := Entry{}
eWithFunc := e.WithFields(Fields{"func": fn})
eWithFuncPtr := e.WithFields(Fields{"funcPtr": &fn})
assert.Equal(eWithFunc.err, `can not add field "func"`)
assert.Equal(eWithFuncPtr.err, `can not add field "funcPtr"`)
eWithFunc = eWithFunc.WithField("not_a_func", "it is a string")
eWithFuncPtr = eWithFuncPtr.WithField("not_a_func", "it is a string")
assert.Equal(eWithFunc.err, `can not add field "func"`)
assert.Equal(eWithFuncPtr.err, `can not add field "funcPtr"`)
eWithFunc = eWithFunc.WithTime(time.Now())
eWithFuncPtr = eWithFuncPtr.WithTime(time.Now())
assert.Equal(eWithFunc.err, `can not add field "func"`)
assert.Equal(eWithFuncPtr.err, `can not add field "funcPtr"`)
func TestEntryLogfLevel(t *testing.T) {
logger := New()
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
logger.Out = buffer
entry := NewEntry(logger)
entry.Logf(DebugLevel, "%s", "debug")
assert.NotContains(t, buffer.String(), "debug")
entry.Logf(WarnLevel, "%s", "warn")
assert.Contains(t, buffer.String(), "warn")
func TestEntryReportCallerRace(t *testing.T) {
logger := New()
entry := NewEntry(logger)
go func() {
go func() {
entry.Info("should not race")