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2021-11-22 16:05:02 +00:00
//go:build generate
// +build generate
//go:generate go run gen.go -out ../galois_gen_amd64.s -stubs ../galois_gen_amd64.go -pkg=reedsolomon
//go:generate gofmt -w ../galois_gen_switch_amd64.go
package main
import (
. "github.com/mmcloughlin/avo/build"
. "github.com/mmcloughlin/avo/operand"
// Technically we can do slightly bigger, but we stay reasonable.
const inputMax = 10
const outputMax = 10
var switchDefs [inputMax][outputMax]string
var switchDefsX [inputMax][outputMax]string
// Prefetch offsets, set to 0 to disable.
// Disabled since they appear to be consistently slower.
const prefetchSrc = 0
const prefetchDst = 0
func main() {
const perLoopBits = 5
const perLoop = 1 << perLoopBits
for i := 1; i <= inputMax; i++ {
for j := 1; j <= outputMax; j++ {
//genMulAvx2(fmt.Sprintf("mulAvxTwoXor_%dx%d", i, j), i, j, true)
genMulAvx2(fmt.Sprintf("mulAvxTwo_%dx%d", i, j), i, j, false)
genMulAvx2Sixty64(fmt.Sprintf("mulAvxTwo_%dx%d_64", i, j), i, j, false)
f, err := os.Create("../galois_gen_switch_amd64.go")
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
w := bufio.NewWriter(f)
defer w.Flush()
w.WriteString(`// Code generated by command: go generate ` + os.Getenv("GOFILE") + `. DO NOT EDIT.
// +build !appengine
// +build !noasm
// +build gc
// +build !nogen
package reedsolomon
import "fmt"
w.WriteString("const avx2CodeGen = true\n")
w.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("const maxAvx2Inputs = %d\nconst maxAvx2Outputs = %d\n", inputMax, outputMax))
func galMulSlicesAvx2(matrix []byte, in, out [][]byte, start, stop int) int {
n := stop-start
w.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("n = (n>>%d)<<%d\n\n", perLoopBits, perLoopBits))
w.WriteString(`switch len(in) {
for in, defs := range switchDefs[:] {
w.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" case %d:\n switch len(out) {\n", in+1))
for out, def := range defs[:] {
w.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" case %d:\n", out+1))
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled size: %dx%d", len(in), len(out)))
func genMulAvx2(name string, inputs int, outputs int, xor bool) {
const perLoopBits = 5
const perLoop = 1 << perLoopBits
total := inputs * outputs
doc := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%s takes %d inputs and produces %d outputs.", name, inputs, outputs),
if !xor {
doc = append(doc, "The output is initialized to 0.")
// Load shuffle masks on every use.
var loadNone bool
// Use registers for destination registers.
var regDst = true
var reloadLength = false
// lo, hi, 1 in, 1 out, 2 tmp, 1 mask
est := total*2 + outputs + 5
if outputs == 1 {
// We don't need to keep a copy of the input if only 1 output.
est -= 2
if est > 16 {
loadNone = true
// We run out of GP registers first, now.
if inputs+outputs > 13 {
regDst = false
// Save one register by reloading length.
if inputs+outputs > 12 && regDst {
reloadLength = true
TEXT(name, attr.NOSPLIT, fmt.Sprintf("func(matrix []byte, in [][]byte, out [][]byte, start, n int)"))
s := fmt.Sprintf(" mulAvxTwo_%dx%d(matrix, in, out, start, n)\n", inputs, outputs)
s += fmt.Sprintf("\t\t\t\treturn n\n")
switchDefs[inputs-1][outputs-1] = s
if loadNone {
Comment("Loading no tables to registers")
} else {
// loadNone == false
Comment("Loading all tables to registers")
if regDst {
Comment("Destination kept in GP registers")
} else {
Comment("Destination kept on stack")
Commentf("Full registers estimated %d YMM used", est)
length := Load(Param("n"), GP64())
matrixBase := GP64()
addr, err := Param("matrix").Base().Resolve()
if err != nil {
MOVQ(addr.Addr, matrixBase)
SHRQ(U8(perLoopBits), length)
TESTQ(length, length)
JZ(LabelRef(name + "_end"))
inLo := make([]reg.VecVirtual, total)
inHi := make([]reg.VecVirtual, total)
for i := range inLo {
if loadNone {
tableLo := YMM()
tableHi := YMM()
VMOVDQU(Mem{Base: matrixBase, Disp: i * 64}, tableLo)
VMOVDQU(Mem{Base: matrixBase, Disp: i*64 + 32}, tableHi)
inLo[i] = tableLo
inHi[i] = tableHi
inPtrs := make([]reg.GPVirtual, inputs)
inSlicePtr := GP64()
addr, err = Param("in").Base().Resolve()
if err != nil {
MOVQ(addr.Addr, inSlicePtr)
for i := range inPtrs {
ptr := GP64()
MOVQ(Mem{Base: inSlicePtr, Disp: i * 24}, ptr)
inPtrs[i] = ptr
// Destination
dst := make([]reg.VecVirtual, outputs)
dstPtr := make([]reg.GPVirtual, outputs)
addr, err = Param("out").Base().Resolve()
if err != nil {
outBase := addr.Addr
outSlicePtr := GP64()
MOVQ(addr.Addr, outSlicePtr)
for i := range dst {
dst[i] = YMM()
if !regDst {
ptr := GP64()
MOVQ(Mem{Base: outSlicePtr, Disp: i * 24}, ptr)
dstPtr[i] = ptr
offset := GP64()
addr, err = Param("start").Resolve()
if err != nil {
MOVQ(addr.Addr, offset)
if regDst {
Comment("Add start offset to output")
for _, ptr := range dstPtr {
ADDQ(offset, ptr)
Comment("Add start offset to input")
for _, ptr := range inPtrs {
ADDQ(offset, ptr)
// Offset no longer needed unless not regdst
tmpMask := GP64()
MOVQ(U32(15), tmpMask)
lowMask := YMM()
MOVQ(tmpMask, lowMask.AsX())
VPBROADCASTB(lowMask.AsX(), lowMask)
if reloadLength {
length = Load(Param("n"), GP64())
SHRQ(U8(perLoopBits), length)
Label(name + "_loop")
if xor {
Commentf("Load %d outputs", outputs)
} else {
Commentf("Clear %d outputs", outputs)
for i := range dst {
if xor {
if regDst {
VMOVDQU(Mem{Base: dstPtr[i]}, dst[i])
if prefetchDst > 0 {
PREFETCHT0(Mem{Base: dstPtr[i], Disp: prefetchDst})
ptr := GP64()
MOVQ(outBase, ptr)
VMOVDQU(Mem{Base: ptr, Index: offset, Scale: 1}, dst[i])
if prefetchDst > 0 {
PREFETCHT0(Mem{Base: ptr, Disp: prefetchDst, Index: offset, Scale: 1})
} else {
VPXOR(dst[i], dst[i], dst[i])
lookLow, lookHigh := YMM(), YMM()
inLow, inHigh := YMM(), YMM()
for i := range inPtrs {
Commentf("Load and process 32 bytes from input %d to %d outputs", i, outputs)
VMOVDQU(Mem{Base: inPtrs[i]}, inLow)
if prefetchSrc > 0 {
PREFETCHT0(Mem{Base: inPtrs[i], Disp: prefetchSrc})
ADDQ(U8(perLoop), inPtrs[i])
VPSRLQ(U8(4), inLow, inHigh)
VPAND(lowMask, inLow, inLow)
VPAND(lowMask, inHigh, inHigh)
for j := range dst {
if loadNone {
VMOVDQU(Mem{Base: matrixBase, Disp: 64 * (i*outputs + j)}, lookLow)
VMOVDQU(Mem{Base: matrixBase, Disp: 32 + 64*(i*outputs+j)}, lookHigh)
VPSHUFB(inLow, lookLow, lookLow)
VPSHUFB(inHigh, lookHigh, lookHigh)
} else {
VPSHUFB(inLow, inLo[i*outputs+j], lookLow)
VPSHUFB(inHigh, inHi[i*outputs+j], lookHigh)
VPXOR(lookLow, lookHigh, lookLow)
VPXOR(lookLow, dst[j], dst[j])
Commentf("Store %d outputs", outputs)
for i := range dst {
if regDst {
VMOVDQU(dst[i], Mem{Base: dstPtr[i]})
if prefetchDst > 0 && !xor {
PREFETCHT0(Mem{Base: dstPtr[i], Disp: prefetchDst})
ADDQ(U8(perLoop), dstPtr[i])
ptr := GP64()
MOVQ(Mem{Base: outSlicePtr, Disp: i * 24}, ptr)
VMOVDQU(dst[i], Mem{Base: ptr, Index: offset, Scale: 1})
if prefetchDst > 0 && !xor {
PREFETCHT0(Mem{Base: ptr, Disp: prefetchDst, Index: offset, Scale: 1})
Comment("Prepare for next loop")
if !regDst {
ADDQ(U8(perLoop), offset)
JNZ(LabelRef(name + "_loop"))
Label(name + "_end")
func genMulAvx2Sixty64(name string, inputs int, outputs int, xor bool) {
if outputs >= 4 {
const perLoopBits = 6
const perLoop = 1 << perLoopBits
total := inputs * outputs
doc := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%s takes %d inputs and produces %d outputs.", name, inputs, outputs),
if !xor {
doc = append(doc, "The output is initialized to 0.")
// Load shuffle masks on every use.
var loadNone bool
// Use registers for destination registers.
var regDst = false
var reloadLength = false
// lo, hi, 1 in, 1 out, 2 tmp, 1 mask
est := total*2 + outputs + 5
if outputs == 1 {
// We don't need to keep a copy of the input if only 1 output.
est -= 2
if true || est > 16 {
loadNone = true
// We run out of GP registers first, now.
if inputs+outputs > 13 {
regDst = false
// Save one register by reloading length.
if true || inputs+outputs > 12 && regDst {
reloadLength = true
TEXT(name, 0, fmt.Sprintf("func(matrix []byte, in [][]byte, out [][]byte, start, n int)"))
s := fmt.Sprintf("n = (n>>%d)<<%d\n", perLoopBits, perLoopBits)
s += fmt.Sprintf(" mulAvxTwo_%dx%d_64(matrix, in, out, start, n)\n", inputs, outputs)
s += fmt.Sprintf("\t\t\t\treturn n\n")
switchDefs[inputs-1][outputs-1] = s
if loadNone {
Comment("Loading no tables to registers")
} else {
// loadNone == false
Comment("Loading all tables to registers")
if regDst {
Comment("Destination kept in GP registers")
} else {
Comment("Destination kept on stack")
Commentf("Full registers estimated %d YMM used", est)
length := Load(Param("n"), GP64())
matrixBase := GP64()
addr, err := Param("matrix").Base().Resolve()
if err != nil {
MOVQ(addr.Addr, matrixBase)
SHRQ(U8(perLoopBits), length)
TESTQ(length, length)
JZ(LabelRef(name + "_end"))
inLo := make([]reg.VecVirtual, total)
inHi := make([]reg.VecVirtual, total)
for i := range inLo {
if loadNone {
tableLo := YMM()
tableHi := YMM()
VMOVDQU(Mem{Base: matrixBase, Disp: i * 64}, tableLo)
VMOVDQU(Mem{Base: matrixBase, Disp: i*64 + 32}, tableHi)
inLo[i] = tableLo
inHi[i] = tableHi
inPtrs := make([]reg.GPVirtual, inputs)
inSlicePtr := GP64()
addr, err = Param("in").Base().Resolve()
if err != nil {
MOVQ(addr.Addr, inSlicePtr)
for i := range inPtrs {
ptr := GP64()
MOVQ(Mem{Base: inSlicePtr, Disp: i * 24}, ptr)
inPtrs[i] = ptr
// Destination
dst := make([]reg.VecVirtual, outputs)
dst2 := make([]reg.VecVirtual, outputs)
dstPtr := make([]reg.GPVirtual, outputs)
addr, err = Param("out").Base().Resolve()
if err != nil {
outBase := addr.Addr
outSlicePtr := GP64()
MOVQ(addr.Addr, outSlicePtr)
MOVQ(outBase, outSlicePtr)
for i := range dst {
dst[i] = YMM()
dst2[i] = YMM()
if !regDst {
ptr := GP64()
MOVQ(Mem{Base: outSlicePtr, Disp: i * 24}, ptr)
dstPtr[i] = ptr
offset := GP64()
addr, err = Param("start").Resolve()
if err != nil {
MOVQ(addr.Addr, offset)
if regDst {
Comment("Add start offset to output")
for _, ptr := range dstPtr {
ADDQ(offset, ptr)
Comment("Add start offset to input")
for _, ptr := range inPtrs {
ADDQ(offset, ptr)
// Offset no longer needed unless not regdst
tmpMask := GP64()
MOVQ(U32(15), tmpMask)
lowMask := YMM()
MOVQ(tmpMask, lowMask.AsX())
VPBROADCASTB(lowMask.AsX(), lowMask)
if reloadLength {
length = Load(Param("n"), GP64())
SHRQ(U8(perLoopBits), length)
Label(name + "_loop")
if xor {
Commentf("Load %d outputs", outputs)
} else {
Commentf("Clear %d outputs", outputs)
for i := range dst {
if xor {
if regDst {
VMOVDQU(Mem{Base: dstPtr[i]}, dst[i])
if prefetchDst > 0 {
PREFETCHT0(Mem{Base: dstPtr[i], Disp: prefetchDst})
ptr := GP64()
MOVQ(outBase, ptr)
VMOVDQU(Mem{Base: ptr, Index: offset, Scale: 1}, dst[i])
if prefetchDst > 0 {
PREFETCHT0(Mem{Base: ptr, Disp: prefetchDst, Index: offset, Scale: 1})
} else {
VPXOR(dst[i], dst[i], dst[i])
VPXOR(dst2[i], dst2[i], dst2[i])
lookLow, lookHigh := YMM(), YMM()
lookLow2, lookHigh2 := YMM(), YMM()
inLow, inHigh := YMM(), YMM()
in2Low, in2High := YMM(), YMM()
for i := range inPtrs {
Commentf("Load and process 64 bytes from input %d to %d outputs", i, outputs)
VMOVDQU(Mem{Base: inPtrs[i]}, inLow)
VMOVDQU(Mem{Base: inPtrs[i], Disp: 32}, in2Low)
if prefetchSrc > 0 {
PREFETCHT0(Mem{Base: inPtrs[i], Disp: prefetchSrc})
ADDQ(U8(perLoop), inPtrs[i])
VPSRLQ(U8(4), inLow, inHigh)
VPSRLQ(U8(4), in2Low, in2High)
VPAND(lowMask, inLow, inLow)
VPAND(lowMask, in2Low, in2Low)
VPAND(lowMask, inHigh, inHigh)
VPAND(lowMask, in2High, in2High)
for j := range dst {
if loadNone {
VMOVDQU(Mem{Base: matrixBase, Disp: 64 * (i*outputs + j)}, lookLow)
VMOVDQU(Mem{Base: matrixBase, Disp: 32 + 64*(i*outputs+j)}, lookHigh)
VPSHUFB(in2Low, lookLow, lookLow2)
VPSHUFB(inLow, lookLow, lookLow)
VPSHUFB(in2High, lookHigh, lookHigh2)
VPSHUFB(inHigh, lookHigh, lookHigh)
} else {
VPSHUFB(inLow, inLo[i*outputs+j], lookLow)
VPSHUFB(in2Low, inLo[i*outputs+j], lookLow2)
VPSHUFB(inHigh, inHi[i*outputs+j], lookHigh)
VPSHUFB(in2High, inHi[i*outputs+j], lookHigh2)
VPXOR(lookLow, lookHigh, lookLow)
VPXOR(lookLow2, lookHigh2, lookLow2)
VPXOR(lookLow, dst[j], dst[j])
VPXOR(lookLow2, dst2[j], dst2[j])
Commentf("Store %d outputs", outputs)
for i := range dst {
if regDst {
VMOVDQU(dst[i], Mem{Base: dstPtr[i]})
VMOVDQU(dst2[i], Mem{Base: dstPtr[i], Disp: 32})
if prefetchDst > 0 && !xor {
PREFETCHT0(Mem{Base: dstPtr[i], Disp: prefetchDst})
ADDQ(U8(perLoop), dstPtr[i])
ptr := GP64()
MOVQ(Mem{Base: outSlicePtr, Disp: i * 24}, ptr)
VMOVDQU(dst[i], Mem{Base: ptr, Index: offset, Scale: 1})
VMOVDQU(dst2[i], Mem{Base: ptr, Index: offset, Scale: 1, Disp: 32})
if prefetchDst > 0 && !xor {
PREFETCHT0(Mem{Base: ptr, Disp: prefetchDst, Index: offset, Scale: 1})
Comment("Prepare for next loop")
if !regDst {
ADDQ(U8(perLoop), offset)
JNZ(LabelRef(name + "_loop"))
Label(name + "_end")