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2021-12-01 15:43:13 +00:00
// Copyright 2020 lesismal. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package nbhttp
import (
var (
emptyRequest = http.Request{}
emptyResponse = Response{}
requestPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return &http.Request{}
responsePool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return &Response{}
func releaseRequest(req *http.Request) {
if req != nil {
if req.Body != nil {
br := req.Body.(*BodyReader)
// fast gc for fields
*req = emptyRequest
func releaseResponse(res *Response) {
if res != nil {
*res = emptyResponse
// func releaseStdResponse(res *http.Response) {
// if res != nil {
// *res = emptyStdResponse
// stdResponsePool.Put(res)
// }
// }
// Processor .
type Processor interface {
Conn() net.Conn
OnMethod(method string)
OnURL(uri string) error
OnProto(proto string) error
OnStatus(code int, status string)
OnHeader(key, value string)
OnContentLength(contentLength int)
OnBody(data []byte)
OnTrailerHeader(key, value string)
OnComplete(parser *Parser)
Close(p *Parser, err error)
// ServerProcessor .
type ServerProcessor struct {
// active int32
// mux sync.Mutex
conn net.Conn
parser *Parser
request *http.Request
handler http.Handler
// executor func(index int, f func())
// resQueue []*Response
keepaliveTime time.Duration
enableSendfile bool
// isUpgrade bool
remoteAddr string
// Conn .
func (p *ServerProcessor) Conn() net.Conn {
return p.conn
// OnMethod .
func (p *ServerProcessor) OnMethod(method string) {
if p.request == nil {
p.request = requestPool.Get().(*http.Request)
if p.parser != nil {
*p.request = *p.parser.Engine.emptyRequest
p.request.Method = method
p.request.Header = http.Header{}
} else {
p.request.Method = method
// OnURL .
func (p *ServerProcessor) OnURL(uri string) error {
u, err := url.ParseRequestURI(uri)
if err != nil {
return err
p.request.URL = u
p.request.RequestURI = uri
return nil
// OnProto .
func (p *ServerProcessor) OnProto(proto string) error {
protoMajor, protoMinor, ok := http.ParseHTTPVersion(proto)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%s %q", "malformed HTTP version", proto)
p.request.Proto = proto
p.request.ProtoMajor = protoMajor
p.request.ProtoMinor = protoMinor
return nil
// OnStatus .
func (p *ServerProcessor) OnStatus(code int, status string) {
// OnHeader .
func (p *ServerProcessor) OnHeader(key, value string) {
values := p.request.Header[key]
values = append(values, value)
p.request.Header[key] = values
// p.isUpgrade = (key == "Connection" && value == "upgrade")
// OnContentLength .
func (p *ServerProcessor) OnContentLength(contentLength int) {
p.request.ContentLength = int64(contentLength)
// OnBody .
func (p *ServerProcessor) OnBody(data []byte) {
if p.request.Body == nil {
p.request.Body = NewBodyReader(data)
} else {
// OnTrailerHeader .
func (p *ServerProcessor) OnTrailerHeader(key, value string) {
if p.request.Trailer == nil {
p.request.Trailer = http.Header{}
p.request.Trailer.Add(key, value)
// OnComplete .
func (p *ServerProcessor) OnComplete(parser *Parser) {
// p.mux.Lock()
request := p.request
p.request = nil
// p.mux.Unlock()
if request == nil {
if p.conn != nil {
request.RemoteAddr = p.remoteAddr
if request.URL.Host == "" {
request.URL.Host = request.Header.Get("Host")
request.Host = request.URL.Host
request.TransferEncoding = request.Header[transferEncodingHeader]
if request.ProtoMajor < 1 {
request.Close = true
} else {
hasClose := false
keepAlive := false
for _, v := range request.Header["Connection"] {
switch strings.ToLower(strings.Trim(v, " ")) {
case "close":
hasClose = true
case "keep-alive":
keepAlive = true
if request.ProtoMajor == 1 && request.ProtoMinor == 0 {
request.Close = hasClose || !keepAlive
} else {
request.Close = hasClose
// http 2.0
// if request.Method == "PRI" && len(request.Header) == 0 && request.URL.Path == "*" && request.Proto == "HTTP/2.0" {
// p.isUpgrade = true
// p.parser.Upgrader = &Http2Upgrader{}
// return
// }
if request.Body == nil {
request.Body = NewBodyReader(nil)
response := NewResponse(p.parser, request, p.enableSendfile)
parser.Execute(func() {
p.handler.ServeHTTP(response, request)
func (p *ServerProcessor) flushResponse(res *Response) {
if p.conn != nil {
req := res.request
if !res.hijacked {
if err := res.flushTrailer(p.conn); err != nil {
if req.Close {
// the data may still in the send queue
} else if p.parser == nil || p.parser.ConnState == nil {
// Close .
func (p *ServerProcessor) Close(parser *Parser, err error) {
// NewServerProcessor .
func NewServerProcessor(conn net.Conn, handler http.Handler, keepaliveTime time.Duration, enableSendfile bool) Processor {
if handler == nil {
panic(errors.New("invalid handler for ServerProcessor: nil"))
// p := serverProcessorPool.Get().(*ServerProcessor)
// p.conn = conn
// p.handler = handler
// p.executor = executor
// p.keepaliveTime = keepaliveTime
// p.enableSendfile = enableSendfile
// p.remoteAddr = conn.RemoteAddr().String()
p := &ServerProcessor{
conn: conn,
handler: handler,
keepaliveTime: keepaliveTime,
enableSendfile: enableSendfile,
if conn != nil {
p.remoteAddr = conn.RemoteAddr().String()
return p
// ClientProcessor .
type ClientProcessor struct {
conn *ClientConn
response *http.Response
handler func(res *http.Response, err error)
// Conn .
func (p *ClientProcessor) Conn() net.Conn {
return p.conn.conn
// OnMethod .
func (p *ClientProcessor) OnMethod(method string) {
// OnURL .
func (p *ClientProcessor) OnURL(uri string) error {
return nil
// OnProto .
func (p *ClientProcessor) OnProto(proto string) error {
protoMajor, protoMinor, ok := http.ParseHTTPVersion(proto)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%s %q", "malformed HTTP version", proto)
if p.response == nil {
// p.response = &http.Response{
// Proto: proto,
// Header: http.Header{},
// }
p.response = &http.Response{}
p.response.Proto = proto
p.response.Header = http.Header{}
} else {
p.response.Proto = proto
p.response.ProtoMajor = protoMajor
p.response.ProtoMinor = protoMinor
return nil
// OnStatus .
func (p *ClientProcessor) OnStatus(code int, status string) {
p.response.StatusCode = code
p.response.Status = status
// OnHeader .
func (p *ClientProcessor) OnHeader(key, value string) {
p.response.Header.Add(key, value)
// OnContentLength .
func (p *ClientProcessor) OnContentLength(contentLength int) {
p.response.ContentLength = int64(contentLength)
// OnBody .
func (p *ClientProcessor) OnBody(data []byte) {
if p.response.Body == nil {
p.response.Body = NewBodyReader(data)
} else {
// OnTrailerHeader .
func (p *ClientProcessor) OnTrailerHeader(key, value string) {
if p.response.Trailer == nil {
p.response.Trailer = http.Header{}
p.response.Trailer.Add(key, value)
// OnComplete .
func (p *ClientProcessor) OnComplete(parser *Parser) {
res := p.response
p.response = nil
parser.Execute(func() {
p.handler(res, nil)
// Close .
func (p *ClientProcessor) Close(parser *Parser, err error) {
// NewClientProcessor .
func NewClientProcessor(conn *ClientConn, handler func(res *http.Response, err error)) Processor {
return &ClientProcessor{
conn: conn,
handler: handler,
// EmptyProcessor .
type EmptyProcessor struct{}
// Conn .
func (p *EmptyProcessor) Conn() net.Conn {
return nil
// OnMethod .
func (p *EmptyProcessor) OnMethod(method string) {
// OnURL .
func (p *EmptyProcessor) OnURL(uri string) error {
return nil
// OnProto .
func (p *EmptyProcessor) OnProto(proto string) error {
return nil
// OnStatus .
func (p *EmptyProcessor) OnStatus(code int, status string) {
// OnHeader .
func (p *EmptyProcessor) OnHeader(key, value string) {
// OnContentLength .
func (p *EmptyProcessor) OnContentLength(contentLength int) {
// OnBody .
func (p *EmptyProcessor) OnBody(data []byte) {
// OnTrailerHeader .
func (p *EmptyProcessor) OnTrailerHeader(key, value string) {
// OnComplete .
func (p *EmptyProcessor) OnComplete(parser *Parser) {
// Close .
func (p *EmptyProcessor) Close(parser *Parser, err error) {
// NewEmptyProcessor .
func NewEmptyProcessor() Processor {
return &EmptyProcessor{}