
330 lines
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2021-11-08 16:39:17 +00:00
package p2p
// this file implements incoming chunk processor
import "fmt"
import "time"
import "sync"
import "bytes"
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
var chunk_map sync.Map // key is blid, value is pointer to Chunks_Per_Block_Data
var chunk_lock sync.Mutex
var single_construction sync.Mutex // used to single threaded processing while reconstructing blocks
const MAX_CHUNKS uint8 = 255
type Chunks_Per_Block_Data struct {
Chunks [MAX_CHUNKS]*Block_Chunk // nil means we donot have the chunk
Created time.Time // when was this structure allocated
Processed bool // whether processing has completed successfully
Complete bool // whether everything is complete
// cleans up chunks every minute
func chunks_clean_up() {
for {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) // cleanup every 5 seconds
chunk_map.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
chunk := value.(*Chunks_Per_Block_Data)
if time.Now().Sub(chunk.Created) > time.Second*180 {
return true
// return whether chunk exist
func is_chunk_exist(hhash [32]byte, cid uint8) *Block_Chunk {
chunksi, ok := chunk_map.Load(hhash)
if !ok {
return nil
chunks := chunksi.(*Chunks_Per_Block_Data)
defer chunks.Unlock()
return chunks.Chunks[cid]
// feed a chunk until we are able to fully decode a chunk
func (connection *Connection) feed_chunk(chunk *Block_Chunk, sent int64) error {
if chunk.HHash != chunk.HeaderHash() {
connection.logger.V(2).Info("This peer should be banned, since he supplied wrong chunk")
return fmt.Errorf("Corrupted Chunk")
if chunk.CHUNK_COUNT > uint(MAX_CHUNKS) || chunk.CHUNK_NEED > chunk.CHUNK_COUNT {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid Chunk Count")
if chunk.CHUNK_COUNT != uint(len(chunk.CHUNK_HASH)) {
return fmt.Errorf("Corrupted Chunk")
if chunk.CHUNK_ID >= chunk.CHUNK_COUNT {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid Chunk id")
if chunk.CHUNK_NEED < 10 {
return fmt.Errorf("Insufficient chunk")
parity := chunk.CHUNK_COUNT - chunk.CHUNK_NEED
if parity < chunk.CHUNK_NEED {
return fmt.Errorf("Insufficient parity")
if uint64(chunk.DSIZE) > config.STARGATE_HE_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid Chunk size")
if chunk.CHUNK_HASH[chunk.CHUNK_ID] != crypto.Keccak256_64(chunk.CHUNK_DATA) { // chunk data corrupt
return fmt.Errorf("Corrupted Chunk")
if nil != is_chunk_exist(chunk.HHash, uint8(chunk.CHUNK_ID)) { // chunk already exists return
return nil
var bl block.Block
if err := bl.Deserialize(chunk.BLOCK); err != nil {
logger.V(1).Error(err, "error deserializing block")
return nil
if bl.GetHash() != chunk.BLID {
return fmt.Errorf("Corrupted Chunk. bad block data")
// we must check the Pow now
if int64(bl.Height) >= chain.Get_Height()-3 && int64(bl.Height) <= chain.Get_Height()+3 {
} else {
return nil // we need not broadcast
if len(bl.Tips) == 0 || len(bl.MiniBlocks) < 5 {
return nil
for _, mbl := range bl.MiniBlocks {
if !chain.VerifyMiniblockPoW(&bl, mbl) {
return errormsg.ErrInvalidPoW
broadcast_Chunk(chunk, 0, sent) // broadcast chunk INV
var chunks *Chunks_Per_Block_Data
if chunksi, ok := chunk_map.Load(chunk.HHash); ok {
chunks = chunksi.(*Chunks_Per_Block_Data)
} else {
chunks = new(Chunks_Per_Block_Data)
chunks.Created = time.Now()
chunk_map.Store(chunk.HHash, chunks)
if chunks.Processed {
return nil
defer chunks.Unlock()
if chunks.Processed {
return nil
chunks.Chunks[chunk.CHUNK_ID] = chunk
chunk_count := 0
for _, c := range chunks.Chunks {
if c != nil {
logger.V(3).Info("Have chunks", "have", chunk_count, "total", chunk.CHUNK_COUNT)
var cbl Complete_Block
if len(bl.Tx_hashes) >= 1 { // if txs are present, then we need to join chunks, else we are already done
if uint(chunk_count) < chunk.CHUNK_NEED { // we do not have enough chunks
return nil
var shards [][]byte
for i := 0; i < int(chunk.CHUNK_COUNT); i++ {
if chunks.Chunks[i] == nil {
shards = append(shards, nil)
} else {
shards = append(shards, chunks.Chunks[i].CHUNK_DATA)
enc, _ := reedsolomon.New(int(chunk.CHUNK_NEED), int(chunk.CHUNK_COUNT-chunk.CHUNK_NEED))
if err := enc.Reconstruct(shards); err != nil {
logger.V(3).Error(err, "error reconstructing data ")
return nil
chunks.Processed = true // we have successfully reconstructed data,so we give it a try
var writer bytes.Buffer
if err := enc.Join(&writer, shards, int(chunk.DSIZE)); err != nil {
logger.V(1).Error(err, "error joining data")
return nil
if err := cbor.Unmarshal(writer.Bytes(), &cbl); err != nil {
logger.V(1).Error(err, "error deserializing txset")
return nil
// first complete all our chunks, so as we can give to others
logger.V(2).Info("successfully reconstructed using chunks", "have", chunk_count, "total", chunk.CHUNK_COUNT)
cbl.Block = chunk.BLOCK
object := Objects{CBlocks: []Complete_Block{cbl}}
if err := connection.processChunkedBlock(object, false, true, int(chunk.CHUNK_NEED), int(chunk.CHUNK_COUNT-chunk.CHUNK_NEED)); err != nil {
//fmt.Printf("error inserting block received using chunks, err %s", err)
return nil
// cehck whether we have already chunked this
func is_already_chunked_by_us(blid crypto.Hash, data_shard_count, parity_shard_count int) (hash [32]byte, chunk_count int) {
chunk_map.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
chunk := value.(*Chunks_Per_Block_Data)
for _, c := range chunk.Chunks {
if c != nil && c.BLID == blid && int(c.CHUNK_NEED) == data_shard_count && int(c.CHUNK_COUNT-c.CHUNK_NEED) == parity_shard_count && chunk.Complete {
hash = c.HeaderHash()
chunk_count = data_shard_count + parity_shard_count
return false
return true
// note we do not send complete block,
// since other nodes already have most of the mempool, let the mempool be used as much as possible
func convert_block_to_chunks(cbl *block.Complete_Block, data_shard_count, parity_shard_count int) ([32]byte, int) {
var cbor_cbl TXSET
bl_serialized := cbl.Bl.Serialize()
blid := [32]byte(cbl.Bl.GetHash())
for _, tx := range cbl.Txs {
cbor_cbl.Txs = append(cbor_cbl.Txs, tx.Serialize())
if len(cbor_cbl.Txs) != len(cbl.Bl.Tx_hashes) {
panic("invalid complete block")
cbl_serialized, err := cbor.Marshal(cbor_cbl)
if err != nil {
if hhash, count := is_already_chunked_by_us(blid, data_shard_count, parity_shard_count); count > 0 {
return hhash, count
// loop through all the data chunks and overide from there
chunk_map.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
chunk := value.(*Chunks_Per_Block_Data)
for _, c := range chunk.Chunks {
if c != nil && c.BLID == blid {
if data_shard_count != int(c.CHUNK_NEED) || parity_shard_count != int(c.CHUNK_COUNT-c.CHUNK_NEED) {
data_shard_count = int(c.CHUNK_NEED)
parity_shard_count = int(c.CHUNK_COUNT - c.CHUNK_NEED)
logger.V(2).Info("overiding shards count to %d, parity to %d\n", "data_count", data_shard_count, "parity_count", parity_shard_count)
return false
return true
// we will use a 16 datablocks,32 parity blocks RS code,
// if the peer receives any of 16 blocks in any order, they can reconstruct entire block
// Create an encoder with 16 data and 32 parity slices.
// you must use atleast 10 data chunks and parity must be equal or more than data chunk count
if data_shard_count < 10 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("data shard must be > 10, actual %d", data_shard_count))
if parity_shard_count < data_shard_count {
panic(fmt.Errorf("parity shard must be equal or more than data shards. data_shards %d parity shards %d", data_shard_count, parity_shard_count))
enc, _ := reedsolomon.New(data_shard_count, parity_shard_count)
shards, err := enc.Split(cbl_serialized)
if err != nil {
if err = enc.Encode(shards); err != nil {
chunk := make([]Block_Chunk, data_shard_count+parity_shard_count, data_shard_count+parity_shard_count)
var chunk_hash []uint64
for i := 0; i < data_shard_count+parity_shard_count; i++ {
chunk_hash = append(chunk_hash, crypto.Keccak256_64(shards[i]))
for i := 0; i < data_shard_count+parity_shard_count; i++ {
chunk[i].BLID = blid
chunk[i].DSIZE = uint(len(cbl_serialized))
chunk[i].BLOCK = bl_serialized
chunk[i].CHUNK_ID = uint(i)
chunk[i].CHUNK_COUNT = uint(data_shard_count + parity_shard_count)
chunk[i].CHUNK_NEED = uint(data_shard_count)
chunk[i].CHUNK_HASH = chunk_hash
chunk[i].CHUNK_DATA = shards[i]
chunk[i].HHash = chunk[i].HeaderHash()
if chunk[0].HHash != chunk[i].HHash {
panic("Corrupt data")
chunks := new(Chunks_Per_Block_Data)
for i := 0; i < data_shard_count+parity_shard_count; i++ {
chunks.Chunks[i] = &chunk[i]
chunks.Created = time.Now()
chunks.Processed = true
chunks.Complete = true
chunk_map.Store(chunk[0].HeaderHash(), chunks)
return chunk[0].HeaderHash(), len(shards)