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2021-11-22 16:05:02 +00:00
package bn256
// This file implement some util functions for the MPC
// especially the serialization and deserialization functions for points in G1
import (
// B is constant of the curve
const B = 3
var p = P
// Compress G1 by dropping the Y (but retaining its most significant non-zero byte). It returns a [33]byte
func (e *G1) Compress() []byte {
eb := e.Marshal()
y := new(big.Int).SetBytes(eb[32:])
// calculating the other possible solution of y²=x³+3
y2 := new(big.Int).Sub(p, y)
// if the specular solution is a bigger nr. we encode 0x00
if y.Cmp(y2) < 0 {
eb[32] = 0x00
} else { // the specular solution is lower
eb[32] = 0x01
//appending to X the information about which nr to pick for Y
//if the smaller or the bigger
return eb[0:33]
func marshal(xb []byte, yi *big.Int) *G1 {
yb := yi.Bytes()
paddingLength := 32 - len(yb)
// instantiating the byte array representing G1
g := make([]byte, 64)
// copy X byte representation at the beginning of G1 reconstructed slice
copy(g, xb)
// do we need padding?
if paddingLength > 0 {
// create a padding byte slice for Y byte representation to be 32 bytes
padding := make([]byte, paddingLength)
// padding goes at the head of the Y array
copy(g[32:32+paddingLength], padding)
// copy the Y byte representation to G1
copy(g[32+paddingLength:], yb)
// unmarshalling into a new instance of G1
g1 := new(G1)
return g1
// xToY reconstructs Y from X using the curve equation.
// it provides two solutions
func xToY(xb []byte) (*big.Int, *big.Int, bool) {
xi := new(big.Int).SetBytes(xb[0:32])
x3 := new(big.Int).Mul(xi, xi)
x3.Mul(x3, xi)
t := new(big.Int).Add(x3, big.NewInt(B))
y1 := new(big.Int).ModSqrt(t, p)
if y1 == nil {
return nil, nil, false
y2 := new(big.Int).Sub(p, y1)
return y1, y2, true
// yp1, yp2, ok := cipolla(*t, *p)
// return &yp1, &yp2, ok
// IsHigherY is used to distinguish between the 2 points of E
// that have the same x-coordinate
// The point e is assumed to be given in the affine form
func (e *G1) IsHigherY() bool {
// Check nil pointers
if e.p == nil {
e.p = &curvePoint{}
var yCoord gfP
yCoord = e.p.y
var yCoordNeg gfP
gfpNeg(&yCoordNeg, &yCoord)
res := gfpCmp_p(&yCoord, &yCoordNeg)
if res == 1 { // yCoord > yCoordNeg
return true
} else if res == -1 {
return false
return false
// Takes a MontEncoded x and finds the corresponding y (one of the two possible y's)
func getYFromMontEncodedX(x *gfP) (*gfP, error) {
// Check nil pointers
if x == nil {
return nil, errors.New("Cannot retrieve the y-coordinate form a nil pointer")
// Operations on montgomery encoded field elements
x2 := &gfP{}
gfpMul(x2, x, x)
x3 := &gfP{}
gfpMul(x3, x2, x)
rhs := &gfP{}
gfpAdd(rhs, x3, curveB) // curveB is MontEncoded, since it is create with newGFp
// Montgomery decode rhs
// Needed because when we create a GFp element
// with gfP{}, then it is not montEncoded. However
// if we create an element of GFp by using `newGFp()`
// then this field element is Montgomery encoded
// Above, we have been working on Montgomery encoded field elements
// here we solve the quad. resid. over F (not encoded)
// and then we encode back and return the encoded result
// Eg:
// - Px := &gfP{1} => 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
// - PxNew := newGFp(1) => 0e0a77c19a07df2f666ea36f7879462c0a78eb28f5c70b3dd35d438dc58f0d9d
montDecode(rhs, rhs)
rhsBig, err := rhs.gFpToBigInt()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Note, if we use the ModSqrt method, we don't need the exponent, so we can comment these lines
yCoord := big.NewInt(0)
res := yCoord.ModSqrt(rhsBig, P)
if res == nil {
return nil, errors.New("not a square mod P")
yCoordGFp := newGFpFromBigInt(yCoord)
montEncode(yCoordGFp, yCoordGFp)
return yCoordGFp, nil
func padBytes(bb []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if len(bb) > 32 {
return []byte{}, errors.New("Cannot pad the given byte slice as the length exceed the padding length")
if len(bb) == 32 {
return bb, nil
padSlice := make([]byte, 32)
index := len(padSlice) - len(bb)
copy(padSlice[index:], bb)
return padSlice, nil
// Convert a big.Int into gfP
func newGFpFromBigInt(in *big.Int) (out *gfP) {
// in >= P, so we mod it to get back in the field
// (ie: we get the smallest representative of the equivalence class mod P)
if res := in.Cmp(P); res >= 0 {
// We need to mod P to get back into the field
in.Mod(in, P)
inBytes := in.Bytes()
// We want to work on byte slices of length 32 to re-assemble our GFpe element
if len(inBytes) < 32 {
// Safe to ignore the err as we are in the if so the condition is satisfied
inBytes, _ = padBytes(inBytes)
out = &gfP{}
var n uint64
// Now we have the guarantee that inBytes has length 32 so it makes sense to run this for
// loop safely (we won't exceed the boundaries of the container)
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(inBytes[i*8 : (i+1)*8])
binary.Read(buf, binary.BigEndian, &n)
out[(4-1)-i] = n // In gfP field elements are represented as little-endian 64-bit words
return out
// Convert a gfP into a big.Int
func (e *gfP) gFpToBigInt() (*big.Int, error) {
str := e.String()
out := new(big.Int)
_, ok := out.SetString(str, 16)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("couldn't create big.Int from gfP element")
return out, nil
// Decompress unzip the Y coordinate using the curve. Y is always positive
// TODO: use native gfP representation instead of big.Int
func Decompress(xb []byte) (*G1, error) {
if len(xb) != 33 {
return nil, errors.New("bn256: not enough data on compressed point")
// TODO: we need to make sure that cipolla's results are always in the same order
y1, y2, ok := xToY(xb)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("bn256: Cannot decompress")
smaller := y1.Cmp(y2) < 0
if xb[32] == 0x00 && smaller {
return marshal(xb, y1), nil
if xb[32] == 0x01 && smaller {
return marshal(xb, y2), nil
if xb[32] == 0x00 {
return marshal(xb, y2), nil
return marshal(xb, y1), nil
// Note: This function is only used to distinguish between points with the same x-coordinates
// when doing point compression.
// An ordered field must be infinite and we are working over a finite field here
func gfpCmp_p(a, b *gfP) int {
for i := 4 - 1; i >= 0; i-- { // Remember that the gfP elements are written as little-endian 64-bit words
if a[i] > b[i] { // As soon as we figure out that the MSByte of A > MSByte of B, we return
return 1
} else if a[i] == b[i] { // If the current bytes are equal we continue as we cannot conclude on A and B relation
} else { // a[i] < b[i] so we can directly conclude and we return
return -1
return 0
// DecompressAmbiguous returns both solutions to the decompression function
func DecompressAmbiguous(xb []byte) (*G1, *G1, error) {
if len(xb) != 33 {
return nil, nil, errors.New("bn256: not enough data on compressed point")
y1, y2, ok := xToY(xb)
if !ok {
return nil, nil, errors.New("bn256: Cannot decompress")
if y1 == nil && y2 == nil {
fmt.Printf("%v\n", new(big.Int).SetBytes(xb).String())
return marshal(xb, y1), marshal(xb, y2), nil
func (e *G1) EncodeCompressed() []byte {
return e.Compress()
// returns to buffer rather than allocation from GC
func (e *G1) EncodeCompressedToBuf(ret []byte) {
buf := e.Compress()
copy(ret, buf)
func (e *G1) DecodeCompressed(encoding []byte) error {
if len(encoding) != 33 {
return errors.New("wrong encoded point size")
//if encoding[0]&serializationCompressed == 0 { // Also test the length of the encoding to make sure it is 33bytes
// return errors.New("point isn't compressed")
p, err := Decompress(encoding)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (e *G1) EncodeUncompressed() []byte {
return e.Marshal()
func (e *G1) DecodeUncompressed(input []byte) error {
_, err := e.Unmarshal(input)
return err
var point0 = *newGFp(0)
var point1 = *newGFp(1)
// this will do batch inversions and thus optimize lookup table generation
// Montgomery Batch Inversion based trick
type G1Array []*G1
func (points G1Array) MakeAffine() {
// point0 := *newGFp(0)
// point1 := *newGFp(1)
accum := newGFp(1)
var scratch_backup [256]gfP
var scratch []gfP
if len(points) <= 256 {
scratch = scratch_backup[:0] // avoid allocation is possible
for _, e := range points {
if e.p == nil {
e.p = &curvePoint{}
scratch = append(scratch, *accum)
if e.p.z == point1 {
} else if e.p.z == point0 { // return point at infinity if z = 0
e.p.x = gfP{0}
e.p.y = point1
e.p.t = gfP{0}
gfpMul(accum, accum, &e.p.z) // accum *= z
zInv := &gfP{}
fmt.Printf("%d inv %s\n",i, zInv)
zInv_accum := gfP{}
tmp := gfP{}
zInv := &gfP{}
for i := len(points) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
e := points[i]
if e.p.z == point1 {
} else if e.p.z == point0 { // return point at infinity if z = 0
tmp = gfP{}
gfpMul(&tmp, &zInv_accum, &e.p.z)
gfpMul(zInv, &zInv_accum, &scratch[i])
zInv_accum = tmp
// fmt.Printf("%d inv %s\n",i, zInv)
t, zInv2 := &gfP{}, &gfP{}
gfpMul(t, &e.p.y, zInv) // t = y/z
gfpMul(zInv2, zInv, zInv) // zInv2 = 1/(z^2)
gfpMul(&e.p.x, &e.p.x, zInv2) // x = x/(z^2)
gfpMul(&e.p.y, t, zInv2) // y = y/(z^3)
e.p.z = point1
e.p.t = point1