// Copyright 2017-2021 DERO Project. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code in any form is governed by RESEARCH license. // license can be found in the LICENSE file. // GPG: 0F39 E425 8C65 3947 702A 8234 08B2 0360 A03A 9DE8 // // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. package p2p //import "os" import "fmt" import "net" import "time" import "sort" import "strings" import "math/big" import "strconv" //import "crypto/rsa" import "crypto/ecdsa" import "crypto/elliptic" import "crypto/tls" import "crypto/rand" import "crypto/x509" import "encoding/pem" import "sync/atomic" import "runtime/debug" import "github.com/romana/rlog" import log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" import "github.com/deroproject/derohe/config" import "github.com/deroproject/derohe/globals" import "github.com/deroproject/derohe/blockchain" import "github.com/deroproject/derohe/metrics" var chain *blockchain.Blockchain // external reference to chain var P2P_Port int // this will be exported while doing handshake var Exit_Event = make(chan bool) // causes all threads to exit var Exit_In_Progress bool // marks we are doing exit var logger *log.Entry // global logger, every logger in this package is a child of this var sync_node bool // whether sync mode is activated var nonbanlist []string // any ips in this list will never be banned // the list will include seed nodes, any nodes provided at command prompt // Initialize P2P subsystem func P2P_Init(params map[string]interface{}) error { logger = globals.Logger.WithFields(log.Fields{"com": "P2P"}) // all components must use this logger GetPeerID() // Initialize peer id once // parse node tag if availble if _, ok := globals.Arguments["--node-tag"]; ok { if globals.Arguments["--node-tag"] != nil { node_tag = globals.Arguments["--node-tag"].(string) } } // permanently unban any seed nodes if globals.IsMainnet() { for i := range config.Mainnet_seed_nodes { nonbanlist = append(nonbanlist, strings.ToLower(config.Mainnet_seed_nodes[i])) } } else { // initial bootstrap for i := range config.Testnet_seed_nodes { nonbanlist = append(nonbanlist, strings.ToLower(config.Testnet_seed_nodes[i])) } } chain = params["chain"].(*blockchain.Blockchain) load_ban_list() // load ban list load_peer_list() // load old list if availble // if user provided a sync node, connect with it if _, ok := globals.Arguments["--sync-node"]; ok { // check if parameter is supported if globals.Arguments["--sync-node"].(bool) { sync_node = true // disable p2p port globals.Arguments["--p2p-bind"] = ":0" // disable all connections except seed nodes globals.Arguments["--add-exclusive-node"] = []string{""} globals.Arguments["--add-priority-node"] = []string{""} go maintain_seed_node_connection() logger.Warnf("Sync mode is enabled. Please remove this option after chain syncs successfully") } } // register the metrics with the metrics registry metrics.Registry.MustRegister(block_propagation) metrics.Registry.MustRegister(transaction_propagation) go P2P_Server_v2() // start accepting connections go P2P_engine() // start outgoing engine go syncroniser() // start sync engine go clean_up_propagation() // clean up propagation map logger.Infof("P2P started") atomic.AddUint32(&globals.Subsystem_Active, 1) // increment subsystem return nil } // TODO we need to make sure that exclusive/priority nodes are never banned func P2P_engine() { var end_point_list []string if _, ok := globals.Arguments["--add-exclusive-node"]; ok { // check if parameter is supported if globals.Arguments["--add-exclusive-node"] != nil { tmp_list := globals.Arguments["--add-exclusive-node"].([]string) for i := range tmp_list { end_point_list = append(end_point_list, tmp_list[i]) nonbanlist = append(nonbanlist, tmp_list[i]) } } } // all prority nodes will be always connected if _, ok := globals.Arguments["--add-priority-node"]; ok { // check if parameter is supported if globals.Arguments["--add-priority-node"] != nil { tmp_list := globals.Arguments["--add-priority-node"].([]string) for i := range tmp_list { end_point_list = append(end_point_list, tmp_list[i]) nonbanlist = append(nonbanlist, tmp_list[i]) } } } { // remove duplicates if any sort.Strings(end_point_list) start_again: // this list is expected to be less than 100 for i := range end_point_list { if i > 0 && end_point_list[i-1] == end_point_list[i] { end_point_list = append(end_point_list[:i-1], end_point_list[i:]...) goto start_again } } } logger.Debugf("Priority list %+v", end_point_list) // maintain connection to exclusive/priority nodes for i := range end_point_list { go maintain_outgoing_priority_connection(end_point_list[i], false) } // do not create connections to peers , if requested if _, ok := globals.Arguments["--add-exclusive-node"]; ok && len(globals.Arguments["--add-exclusive-node"].([]string)) == 0 { // check if parameter is supported go maintain_connection_to_peers() // maintain certain number of connections for peer to peers go maintain_seed_node_connection() // maintain connection with atleast 1 seed node // this code only triggers when we do not have peer list if find_peer_to_connect(1) == nil { // either we donot have a peer list or everyone is banned // trigger connection to all seed nodes hoping some will be up if globals.IsMainnet() { // initial boot strap should be quick for i := range config.Mainnet_seed_nodes { go connect_with_endpoint(config.Mainnet_seed_nodes[i], true) } } else { // initial bootstrap for i := range config.Testnet_seed_nodes { go connect_with_endpoint(config.Testnet_seed_nodes[i], true) } } } } } // will try to connect with given endpoint // will block until the connection dies or is killed func connect_with_endpoint(endpoint string, sync_node bool) { defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { rlog.Warnf("Recovered while handling connection, Stack trace below", r) rlog.Warnf("Stack trace \n%s", debug.Stack()) } }() remote_ip, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", endpoint) if err != nil { rlog.Warnf("Resolve address failed:", err.Error()) return } // check whether are already connected to this address if yes, return if IsAddressConnected(remote_ip.String()) { return } // since we may be connecting through socks, grab the remote ip for our purpose rightnow conn, err := globals.Dialer.Dial("tcp", remote_ip.String()) //conn, err := tls.DialWithDialer(&globals.Dialer, "tcp", remote_ip.String(),&tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}) //conn, err := tls.Dial("tcp", remote_ip.String(),&tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}) if err != nil { rlog.Warnf("Dial failed err %s", err.Error()) Peer_SetFail(remote_ip.String()) // update peer list as we see return } tcpc := conn.(*net.TCPConn) // detection time: tcp_keepalive_time + tcp_keepalive_probes + tcp_keepalive_intvl // default on linux: 30 + 8 * 30 // default on osx: 30 + 8 * 75 tcpc.SetKeepAlive(true) tcpc.SetKeepAlivePeriod(8 * time.Second) tcpc.SetLinger(0) // discard any pending data //conn.SetKeepAlive(true) // set keep alive true //conn.SetKeepAlivePeriod(10*time.Second) // keep alive every 10 secs // upgrade connection TO TLS ( tls.Dial does NOT support proxy) // TODO we need to choose fastest cipher here ( so both clients/servers are not loaded) conn = tls.Client(conn, &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}) // success is setup after handshake is done rlog.Debugf("Connection established to %s", remote_ip) Handle_Connection(conn, remote_ip, false, sync_node) // handle connection } // maintains a persistant connection to endpoint // if connection drops, tries again after 4 secs func maintain_outgoing_priority_connection(endpoint string, sync_node bool) { for { select { case <-Exit_Event: return case <-time.After(4 * time.Second): } connect_with_endpoint(endpoint, sync_node) } } // this will maintain connection to 1 seed node randomly func maintain_seed_node_connection() { for { select { case <-Exit_Event: return case <-time.After(2 * time.Second): } endpoint := "" if globals.IsMainnet() { // choose mainnet seed node r, _ := rand.Int(rand.Reader, big.NewInt(10240)) endpoint = config.Mainnet_seed_nodes[r.Int64()%int64(len(config.Mainnet_seed_nodes))] } else { // choose testnet peer node r, _ := rand.Int(rand.Reader, big.NewInt(10240)) endpoint = config.Testnet_seed_nodes[r.Int64()%int64(len(config.Testnet_seed_nodes))] } if endpoint != "" { //connect_with_endpoint(endpoint, sync_node) connect_with_endpoint(endpoint, true) // seed nodes always have sync mode } } } // keep building connections to network, we are talking outgoing connections func maintain_connection_to_peers() { Min_Peers := int64(13) // we need to expose this to be modifieable at runtime without taking daemon offline // check how many connections are active if _, ok := globals.Arguments["--min-peers"]; ok && globals.Arguments["--min-peers"] != nil { // user specified a limit, use it if possible i, err := strconv.ParseInt(globals.Arguments["--min-peers"].(string), 10, 64) if err != nil { logger.Warnf("Error Parsing --max-peers err %s", err) } else { if i <= 1 { logger.Warnf("--min-peers should be positive and more than 1") } else { Min_Peers = i } } logger.Infof("Min outgoing peers limit %d", Min_Peers) } for { select { case <-Exit_Event: return case <-time.After(1000 * time.Millisecond): } // check number of connections, if limit is reached, trigger new connections if we have peers // if we have more do nothing _, out := Peer_Direction_Count() if out >= uint64(Min_Peers) { // we already have required number of peers, donot connect to more peers continue } peer := find_peer_to_connect(1) if peer != nil { go connect_with_endpoint(peer.Address, false) } } } func P2P_Server_v2() { default_address := "" + fmt.Sprintf("%d", config.Mainnet.P2P_Default_Port) P2P_Port = config.Mainnet.P2P_Default_Port if !globals.IsMainnet() { default_address = "" + fmt.Sprintf("%d", config.Testnet.P2P_Default_Port) P2P_Port = config.Testnet.P2P_Default_Port } if _, ok := globals.Arguments["--p2p-bind"]; ok && globals.Arguments["--p2p-bind"] != nil { addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", globals.Arguments["--p2p-bind"].(string)) if err != nil { logger.Warnf("--p2p-bind address is invalid, err = %s", err) } else { if addr.Port == 0 { logger.Infof("P2P server is disabled, No ports will be opened for P2P activity") return } else { default_address = addr.String() P2P_Port = addr.Port } } } logger.Infof("P2P will listen on %s", default_address) tlsconfig := &tls.Config{Certificates: []tls.Certificate{generate_random_tls_cert()}} //l, err := tls.Listen("tcp", default_address, tlsconfig) // listen as TLS server // listen to incoming tcp connections tls style l, err := net.Listen("tcp", default_address) // listen as simple TCP server if err != nil { logger.Fatalf("Could not listen on %s, err %s", default_address, err) } defer l.Close() // p2p is shutting down, close the listening socket go func() { <-Exit_Event; l.Close() }() // A common pattern is to start a loop to continously accept connections for { conn, err := l.Accept() //accept connections using Listener.Accept() if err != nil { select { case <-Exit_Event: return default: } logger.Warnf("Err while accepting incoming connection errr %s", err) continue } raddr := conn.RemoteAddr().(*net.TCPAddr) //if incoming IP is banned, disconnect now if IsAddressInBanList(raddr.IP.String()) { rlog.Tracef(1, "Incoming IP %s is banned, disconnecting now", raddr.IP.String()) conn.Close() } else { tcpc := conn.(*net.TCPConn) // detection time: tcp_keepalive_time + tcp_keepalive_probes + tcp_keepalive_intvl // default on linux: 30 + 8 * 30 // default on osx: 30 + 8 * 75 tcpc.SetKeepAlive(true) tcpc.SetKeepAlivePeriod(8 * time.Second) tcpc.SetLinger(0) // discard any pending data tlsconn := tls.Server(conn, tlsconfig) go Handle_Connection(tlsconn, raddr, true, false) // handle connection in a different go routine //go Handle_Connection(conn, raddr, true, false) // handle connection in a different go routine } } } // shutdown the p2p component func P2P_Shutdown() { close(Exit_Event) // send signal to all connections to exit save_peer_list() // save peer list save_ban_list() // save ban list // TODO we must wait for connections to kill themselves time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) logger.Infof("P2P Shutdown") atomic.AddUint32(&globals.Subsystem_Active, ^uint32(0)) // this decrement 1 fom subsystem } // generate default tls cert to encrypt everything // NOTE: this does NOT protect from individual active man-in-the-middle attacks func generate_random_tls_cert() tls.Certificate { /* RSA can do only 500 exchange per second, we need to be faster * reference https://github.com/golang/go/issues/20058 key, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 512) // current using minimum size if err != nil { log.Fatal("Private key cannot be created.", err.Error()) } // Generate a pem block with the private key keyPem := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{ Type: "RSA PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(key), }) */ // EC256 does roughly 20000 exchanges per second key, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader) b, err := x509.MarshalECPrivateKey(key) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Unable to marshal ECDSA private key: %v", err) } // Generate a pem block with the private key keyPem := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "EC PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: b}) tml := x509.Certificate{ SerialNumber: big.NewInt(int64(GetPeerID()) ^ int64(time.Now().UnixNano())), // TODO do we need to add more parameters to make our certificate more authentic // and thwart traffic identification as a mass scale /* // you can add any attr that you need NotBefore: time.Now(), NotAfter: time.Now().AddDate(5, 0, 0), // you have to generate a different serial number each execution Subject: pkix.Name{ CommonName: "New Name", Organization: []string{"New Org."}, }, BasicConstraintsValid: true, // even basic constraints are not required */ } cert, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, &tml, &tml, &key.PublicKey, key) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Certificate cannot be created.", err.Error()) } // Generate a pem block with the certificate certPem := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: cert}) tlsCert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(certPem, keyPem) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Cannot be loaded the certificate.", err.Error()) } return tlsCert }