// Copyright 2020 lesismal. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package nbio

import (


const (
	// DefaultReadBufferSize .
	DefaultReadBufferSize = 1024 * 32

	// DefaultMaxWriteBufferSize .
	DefaultMaxWriteBufferSize = 1024 * 1024

	// DefaultMaxReadTimesPerEventLoop .
	DefaultMaxReadTimesPerEventLoop = 3

	// DefaultMinConnCacheSize .
	DefaultMinConnCacheSize = 1024 * 2

var (
	// MaxOpenFiles .
	MaxOpenFiles = 1024 * 1024

// Config Of Gopher.
type Config struct {
	// Name describes your gopher name for logging, it's set to "NB" by default.
	Name string

	// Network is the listening protocol, used with Addrs toghter.
	// tcp* supported only by now, there's no plan for other protocol such as udp,
	// because it's too easy to write udp server/client.
	Network string

	// Addrs is the listening addr list for a nbio server.
	// if it is empty, no listener created, then the Gopher is used for client by default.
	Addrs []string

	// NPoller represents poller goroutine num, it's set to runtime.NumCPU() by default.
	NPoller int

	// NListener represents poller goroutine num, it's set to runtime.NumCPU() by default.
	NListener int

	// Backlog represents backlog arg for syscall.Listen
	Backlog int

	// ReadBufferSize represents buffer size for reading, it's set to 16k by default.
	ReadBufferSize int

	// MinConnCacheSize represents application layer's Conn write cache buffer size when the kernel sendQ is full
	MinConnCacheSize int

	// MaxWriteBufferSize represents max write buffer size for Conn, it's set to 1m by default.
	// if the connection's Send-Q is full and the data cached by nbio is
	// more than MaxWriteBufferSize, the connection would be closed by nbio.
	MaxWriteBufferSize int

	// MaxReadTimesPerEventLoop represents max read times in one poller loop for one fd
	MaxReadTimesPerEventLoop int

	// LockListener represents listener's goroutine to lock thread or not, it's set to false by default.
	LockListener bool

	// LockPoller represents poller's goroutine to lock thread or not, it's set to false by default.
	LockPoller bool

	// EpollMod sets the epoll mod, EPOLLLT by default.
	EpollMod int

// Gopher is a manager of poller.
type Gopher struct {
	mux  sync.Mutex
	tmux sync.Mutex

	Name string

	network                  string
	addrs                    []string
	pollerNum                int
	backlogSize              int
	readBufferSize           int
	maxWriteBufferSize       int
	maxReadTimesPerEventLoop int
	minConnCacheSize         int
	epollMod                 int
	lockListener             bool
	lockPoller               bool

	lfds []int

	connsStd  map[*Conn]struct{}
	connsUnix []*Conn

	listeners []*poller
	pollers   []*poller

	onOpen            func(c *Conn)
	onClose           func(c *Conn, err error)
	onRead            func(c *Conn)
	onData            func(c *Conn, data []byte)
	onReadBufferAlloc func(c *Conn) []byte
	onReadBufferFree  func(c *Conn, buffer []byte)
	onWriteBufferFree func(c *Conn, buffer []byte)
	beforeRead        func(c *Conn)
	afterRead         func(c *Conn)
	beforeWrite       func(c *Conn)
	onStop            func()

	callings  []func()
	chCalling chan struct{}
	timers    timerHeap
	trigger   *time.Timer
	chTimer   chan struct{}

	Execute func(f func())

// Stop pollers.
func (g *Gopher) Stop() {


	for _, l := range g.listeners {
	for i := 0; i < g.pollerNum; i++ {
	conns := g.connsStd
	g.connsStd = map[*Conn]struct{}{}
	connsUnix := g.connsUnix

	for c := range conns {
		if c != nil {
	for _, c := range connsUnix {
		if c != nil {
			go c.Close()

	logging.Info("Gopher[%v] stop", g.Name)

// AddConn adds conn to a poller.
func (g *Gopher) AddConn(conn net.Conn) (*Conn, error) {
	c, err := NBConn(conn)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return c, nil

// OnOpen registers callback for new connection.
func (g *Gopher) OnOpen(h func(c *Conn)) {
	if h == nil {
		panic("invalid nil handler")
	g.onOpen = h

// OnClose registers callback for disconnected.
func (g *Gopher) OnClose(h func(c *Conn, err error)) {
	if h == nil {
		panic("invalid nil handler")
	g.onClose = func(c *Conn, err error) {
		g.atOnce(func() {
			h(c, err)

// OnRead registers callback for reading event.
func (g *Gopher) OnRead(h func(c *Conn)) {
	g.onRead = h

// OnData registers callback for data.
func (g *Gopher) OnData(h func(c *Conn, data []byte)) {
	if h == nil {
		panic("invalid nil handler")
	g.onData = h

// OnReadBufferAlloc registers callback for memory allocating.
func (g *Gopher) OnReadBufferAlloc(h func(c *Conn) []byte) {
	if h == nil {
		panic("invalid nil handler")
	g.onReadBufferAlloc = h

// OnReadBufferFree registers callback for memory release.
func (g *Gopher) OnReadBufferFree(h func(c *Conn, b []byte)) {
	if h == nil {
		panic("invalid nil handler")
	g.onReadBufferFree = h

// OnWriteBufferRelease registers callback for write buffer memory release.
func (g *Gopher) OnWriteBufferRelease(h func(c *Conn, b []byte)) {
	if h == nil {
		panic("invalid nil handler")
	g.onWriteBufferFree = h

// BeforeRead registers callback before syscall.Read
// the handler would be called on windows.
func (g *Gopher) BeforeRead(h func(c *Conn)) {
	if h == nil {
		panic("invalid nil handler")
	g.beforeRead = h

// AfterRead registers callback after syscall.Read
// the handler would be called on *nix.
func (g *Gopher) AfterRead(h func(c *Conn)) {
	if h == nil {
		panic("invalid nil handler")
	g.afterRead = h

// BeforeWrite registers callback befor syscall.Write and syscall.Writev
// the handler would be called on windows.
func (g *Gopher) BeforeWrite(h func(c *Conn)) {
	if h == nil {
		panic("invalid nil handler")
	g.beforeWrite = h

// OnStop registers callback before Gopher is stopped.
func (g *Gopher) OnStop(h func()) {
	if h == nil {
		panic("invalid nil handler")
	g.onStop = h

// After used as time.After.
func (g *Gopher) After(timeout time.Duration) <-chan time.Time {
	c := make(chan time.Time, 1)
	g.afterFunc(timeout, func() {
		c <- time.Now()
	return c

// AfterFunc used as time.AfterFunc.
func (g *Gopher) AfterFunc(timeout time.Duration, f func()) *Timer {
	ht := g.afterFunc(timeout, f)
	return &Timer{htimer: ht}

func (g *Gopher) atOnce(f func()) {
	if f != nil {
		g.callings = append(g.callings, f)
		select {
		case g.chCalling <- struct{}{}:

func (g *Gopher) afterFunc(timeout time.Duration, f func()) *htimer {
	defer g.tmux.Unlock()

	now := time.Now()
	it := &htimer{
		index:  len(g.timers),
		expire: now.Add(timeout),
		f:      f,
		parent: g,
	heap.Push(&g.timers, it)
	if g.timers[0] == it {

	return it

func (g *Gopher) removeTimer(it *htimer) {
	defer g.tmux.Unlock()

	index := it.index
	if index < 0 || index >= len(g.timers) {

	if g.timers[index] == it {
		heap.Remove(&g.timers, index)
		if len(g.timers) > 0 {
			if index == 0 {

		} else {

// ResetTimer removes a timer.
func (g *Gopher) resetTimer(it *htimer) {
	defer g.tmux.Unlock()

	index := it.index
	if index < 0 || index >= len(g.timers) {

	if g.timers[index] == it {
		heap.Fix(&g.timers, index)
		if index == 0 || it.index == 0 {

func (g *Gopher) timerLoop() {
	defer g.Done()
	logging.Debug("Gopher[%v] timer start", g.Name)
	defer logging.Debug("Gopher[%v] timer stopped", g.Name)
	for {
		select {
		case <-g.chCalling:
			for {
				if len(g.callings) == 0 {
					g.callings = nil
				f := g.callings[0]
				g.callings = g.callings[1:]
				func() {
					defer func() {
						err := recover()
						if err != nil {
							const size = 64 << 10
							buf := make([]byte, size)
							buf = buf[:runtime.Stack(buf, false)]
							logging.Error("Gopher[%v] exec call failed: %v\n%v\n", g.Name, err, *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf)))
		case <-g.trigger.C:
			for {
				if g.timers.Len() == 0 {
				now := time.Now()
				it := g.timers[0]
				if now.After(it.expire) {
					heap.Remove(&g.timers, it.index)
					func() {
						defer func() {
							err := recover()
							if err != nil {
								const size = 64 << 10
								buf := make([]byte, size)
								buf = buf[:runtime.Stack(buf, false)]
								logging.Error("Gopher[%v] exec timer failed: %v\n%v\n", g.Name, err, *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf)))
				} else {
		case <-g.chTimer:

// PollerBuffer returns Poller's buffer by Conn, can be used on linux/bsd.
func (g *Gopher) PollerBuffer(c *Conn) []byte {
	return g.pollers[uint32(c.Hash())%uint32(g.pollerNum)].ReadBuffer

func (g *Gopher) initHandlers() {
	g.OnOpen(func(c *Conn) {})
	g.OnClose(func(c *Conn, err error) {})
	// g.OnRead(func(c *Conn, b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	// 	n, err := c.Read(b)
	// 	if n > 0 {
	// 		return b[:n], err
	// 	}
	// 	return nil, err
	// })
	g.OnData(func(c *Conn, data []byte) {})
	g.OnReadBufferFree(func(c *Conn, buffer []byte) {})
	g.OnWriteBufferRelease(func(c *Conn, buffer []byte) {})
	g.BeforeRead(func(c *Conn) {})
	g.AfterRead(func(c *Conn) {})
	g.BeforeWrite(func(c *Conn) {})
	g.OnStop(func() {})

	if g.Execute == nil {
		g.Execute = func(f func()) {

func (g *Gopher) borrow(c *Conn) []byte {
	return g.onReadBufferAlloc(c)

func (g *Gopher) payback(c *Conn, buffer []byte) {
	g.onReadBufferFree(c, buffer)