// Copyright (c) 2016 Pani Networks
// All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.

package rlog

import (

// A few constants, which are used more like flags
const (
	notATrace     = -1
	noTraceOutput = -1

// The known log levels
const (
	levelNone = iota

// Translation map from level to string representation
var levelStrings = map[int]string{
	levelTrace: "TRACE",
	levelDebug: "DEBUG",
	levelInfo:  "INFO",
	levelWarn:  "WARN",
	levelErr:   "ERROR",
	levelCrit:  "CRITICAL",
	levelNone:  "NONE",

// Translation from level string to number.
var levelNumbers = map[string]int{
	"TRACE":    levelTrace,
	"DEBUG":    levelDebug,
	"INFO":     levelInfo,
	"WARN":     levelWarn,
	"ERROR":    levelErr,
	"CRITICAL": levelCrit,
	"NONE":     levelNone,

// filterSpec holds a list of filters. These are applied to the 'caller'
// information of a log message (calling module and file) to see if this
// message should be logged. Different log or trace levels per file can
// therefore be maintained. For log messages this is the log level, for trace
// messages this is going to be the trace level.
type filterSpec struct {
	filters []filter

// filter holds filename and level to match logs against log messages.
type filter struct {
	Pattern string
	Level   int

// rlogConfig captures the entire configuration of rlog, as supplied by a user
// via environment variables and/or config files. This still requires checking
// and translation into more easily used config items. All values therefore are
// stored as simple strings here.
type rlogConfig struct {
	logLevel        string // What log level. String, since filters are allowed
	traceLevel      string // What trace level. String, since filters are allowed
	logTimeFormat   string // The time format spec for date/time stamps in output
	logFile         string // Name of logfile
	confFile        string // Name of config file
	logStream       string // Name of logstream: stdout, stderr or NONE
	logNoTime       string // Flag to determine if date/time is logged at all
	showCallerInfo  string // Flag to determine if caller info is logged
	showGoroutineID string // Flag to determine if goroute ID shows in caller info
	confCheckInterv string // Interval in seconds for checking config file

// We keep a copy of what was supplied via environment variables, since we will
// consult this every time we read from a config file. This allows us to
// determine which values take precedence.
var configFromEnvVars rlogConfig

// The configuration items in rlogConfig are what is supplied by the user
// (usually via environment variables). They are not the actual running
// configuration.  We interpret this, combine it with configuration from the
// config file and produce pre-processed configuration values, which are stored
// in those variables below.
var (
	settingShowCallerInfo  bool   // whether we log caller info
	settingShowGoroutineID bool   // whether we show goroutine ID in caller info
	settingDateTimeFormat  string // flags for date/time output
	settingConfFile        string // config file name
	// how often we check the conf file
	settingCheckInterval time.Duration = 15 * time.Second

	logWriterStream     *log.Logger // the first writer to which output is sent
	logWriterFile       *log.Logger // the second writer to which output is sent
	logFilterSpec       *filterSpec // filters for log messages
	traceFilterSpec     *filterSpec // filters for trace messages
	lastConfigFileCheck time.Time   // when did we last check the config file
	currentLogFile      *os.File    // the logfile currently in use
	currentLogFileName  string      // name of current log file

	initMutex sync.RWMutex = sync.RWMutex{} // used to protect the init section

// fromString initializes filterSpec from string.
// Use the isTraceLevel flag to indicate whether the levels are numeric (for
// trace messages) or are level strings (for log messages).
// Format "<filter>,<filter>,[<filter>]..."
//     filter:
//       <pattern=level> | <level>
//     pattern:
//       shell glob to match caller file name
//     level:
//       log or trace level of the logs to enable in matched files.
//     Example:
//     - "RLOG_TRACE_LEVEL=3"
//       Just a global trace level of 3 for all files and modules.
//     - "RLOG_TRACE_LEVEL=client.go=1,ip*=5,3"
//       This enables trace level 1 in client.go, level 5 in all files whose
//       names start with 'ip', and level 3 for everyone else.
//       Global log level DEBUG for all files and modules.
//     - "RLOG_LOG_LEVEL=client.go=ERROR,INFO,ip*=WARN"
//       ERROR and higher for client.go, WARN or higher for all files whose
//       name starts with 'ip', INFO for everyone else.
func (spec *filterSpec) fromString(s string, isTraceLevels bool, globalLevelDefault int) {
	var globalLevel int = globalLevelDefault
	var levelToken string
	var matchToken string

	fields := strings.Split(s, ",")

	for _, f := range fields {
		var filterLevel int
		var err error
		var ok bool

		// Tokens should contain two elements: The filename and the trace
		// level. If there is only one token then we have to assume that this
		// is the 'global' filter (without filename component).
		tokens := strings.Split(f, "=")
		if len(tokens) == 1 {
			// Global level. We'll store this one for the end, since it needs
			// to sit last in the list of filters (during evaluation in gets
			// checked last).
			matchToken = ""
			levelToken = tokens[0]
		} else if len(tokens) == 2 {
			matchToken = tokens[0]
			levelToken = tokens[1]
		} else {
			// Skip anything else that's malformed
			rlogIssue("Malformed log filter expression: '%s'", f)
		if isTraceLevels {
			// The level token should contain a numeric value
			if filterLevel, err = strconv.Atoi(levelToken); err != nil {
				if levelToken != "" {
					rlogIssue("Trace level '%s' is not a number.", levelToken)
		} else {
			// The level token should contain the name of a log level
			levelToken = strings.ToUpper(levelToken)
			filterLevel, ok = levelNumbers[levelToken]
			if !ok || filterLevel == levelTrace {
				// User not allowed to set trace log levels, so if that or
				// not a known log level then this specification will be
				// ignored.
				if levelToken != "" {
					rlogIssue("Illegal log level '%s'.", levelToken)


		if matchToken == "" {
			// Global level just remembered for now, not yet added
			globalLevel = filterLevel
		} else {
			spec.filters = append(spec.filters, filter{matchToken, filterLevel})

	// Now add the global level, so that later it will be evaluated last.
	// For trace levels we do something extra: There are possibly many trace
	// messages, but most often trace level debugging is fully disabled. We
	// want to optimize this. Therefore, a globalLevel of -1 (no trace levels)
	// isn't stored in the filter chain. If no other trace filters were defined
	// then this means the filter chain is empty, which can be tested very
	// efficiently in the top-level trace functions for an early exit.
	if !isTraceLevels || globalLevel != noTraceOutput {
		spec.filters = append(spec.filters, filter{"", globalLevel})


// matchfilters checks if given filename and trace level are accepted
// by any of the filters
func (spec *filterSpec) matchfilters(filename string, level int) bool {
	// If there are no filters then we don't match anything.
	if len(spec.filters) == 0 {
		return false

	// If at least one filter matches.
	for _, filter := range spec.filters {
		if matched, loggit := filter.match(filename, level); matched {
			return loggit

	return false

// match checks if given filename and level are matched by
// this filter. Returns two bools: One to indicate whether a filename match was
// made, and the second to indicate whether the message should be logged
// (matched the level).
func (f filter) match(filename string, level int) (bool, bool) {
	var match bool
	if f.Pattern != "" {
		match, _ = filepath.Match(f.Pattern, filepath.Base(filename))
	} else {
		match = true
	if match {
		return true, level <= f.Level

	return false, false

// updateIfNeeded returns a new value for an existing config item. The priority
// flag indicates whether the new value should always override the old value.
// Otherwise, the new value will not be used in case the old value is already
// set.
func updateIfNeeded(oldVal string, newVal string, priority bool) string {
	if priority || oldVal == "" {
		return newVal
	return oldVal

// updateConfigFromFile reads a configuration from the specified config file.
// It merges the supplied config with the new values.
func updateConfigFromFile(config *rlogConfig) {
	lastConfigFileCheck = time.Now()

	settingConfFile = config.confFile
	// If no config file was specified we will default to a known location.
	if settingConfFile == "" {
		execName := filepath.Base(os.Args[0])
		settingConfFile = fmt.Sprintf("/etc/rlog/%s.conf", execName)

	// Scan over the config file, line by line
	file, err := os.Open(settingConfFile)
	if err != nil {
		// Any error while attempting to open the logfile ignored. In many
		// cases there won't even be a config file, so we should not produce
		// any noise.
	defer file.Close()

	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
	i := 0
	for scanner.Scan() {
		line := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
		if line == "" || line[0] == '#' {
		tokens := strings.SplitN(line, "=", 2)
		if len(tokens) == 0 {
		if len(tokens) != 2 {
			rlogIssue("Malformed line in config file %s:%d. Ignored.",
				settingConfFile, i)
		name := strings.TrimSpace(tokens[0])
		val := strings.TrimSpace(tokens[1])

		// If the name starts with a '!' then it should overwrite whatever we
		// currently have in the config already.
		priority := false
		if name[0] == '!' {
			priority = true
			name = name[1:]

		switch name {
		case "RLOG_LOG_LEVEL":
			config.logLevel = updateIfNeeded(config.logLevel, val, priority)
			config.traceLevel = updateIfNeeded(config.traceLevel, val, priority)
			config.logTimeFormat = updateIfNeeded(config.logTimeFormat, val, priority)
		case "RLOG_LOG_FILE":
			config.logFile = updateIfNeeded(config.logFile, val, priority)
			val = strings.ToUpper(val)
			config.logStream = updateIfNeeded(config.logStream, val, priority)
			config.logNoTime = updateIfNeeded(config.logNoTime, val, priority)
			config.showCallerInfo = updateIfNeeded(config.showCallerInfo, val, priority)
			config.showGoroutineID = updateIfNeeded(config.showGoroutineID, val, priority)
			rlogIssue("Unknown or illegal setting name in config file %s:%d. Ignored.",
				settingConfFile, i)

// configFromEnv extracts settings for our logger from environment variables.
func configFromEnv() rlogConfig {
	// Read the initial configuration from the environment variables
	return rlogConfig{
		logLevel:        os.Getenv("RLOG_LOG_LEVEL"),
		traceLevel:      os.Getenv("RLOG_TRACE_LEVEL"),
		logTimeFormat:   os.Getenv("RLOG_TIME_FORMAT"),
		logFile:         os.Getenv("RLOG_LOG_FILE"),
		confFile:        os.Getenv("RLOG_CONF_FILE"),
		logStream:       strings.ToUpper(os.Getenv("RLOG_LOG_STREAM")),
		logNoTime:       os.Getenv("RLOG_LOG_NOTIME"),
		showCallerInfo:  os.Getenv("RLOG_CALLER_INFO"),
		showGoroutineID: os.Getenv("RLOG_GOROUTINE_ID"),
		confCheckInterv: os.Getenv("RLOG_CONF_CHECK_INTERVAL"),

// init loads configuration from the environment variables and the
// configuration file when the module is imorted.
func init() {

// getTimeFormat returns the time format we should use for time stamps in log
// lines, or nothing if "no time logging" has been requested.
func getTimeFormat(config rlogConfig) string {
	settingDateTimeFormat = ""
	logNoTime := isTrueBoolString(config.logNoTime)
	if !logNoTime {
		// Store the format string for date/time logging. Allowed values are
		// all the constants specified in
		// https://golang.org/src/time/format.go.
		var f string
		switch strings.ToUpper(config.logTimeFormat) {
		case "ANSIC":
			f = time.ANSIC
		case "UNIXDATE":
			f = time.UnixDate
		case "RUBYDATE":
			f = time.RubyDate
		case "RFC822":
			f = time.RFC822
		case "RFC822Z":
			f = time.RFC822Z
		case "RFC1123":
			f = time.RFC1123
		case "RFC1123Z":
			f = time.RFC1123Z
		case "RFC3339":
			f = time.RFC3339
		case "RFC3339NANO":
			f = time.RFC3339Nano
		case "KITCHEN":
			f = time.Kitchen
			if config.logTimeFormat != "" {
				f = config.logTimeFormat
			} else {
				f = time.RFC3339
		settingDateTimeFormat = f + " "
	return settingDateTimeFormat

// initialize translates config items into initialized data structures,
// config values and freshly created or opened config files, if necessary.
// This function prepares everything for the fast and efficient processing of
// the actual log functions.
// Importantly, it takes the passed in configuration and combines it with any
// configuration provided in a configuration file.
// If the reInitEnvVars flag is set then the passed-in configuration overwrites
// the settings stored from the environment variables, which we need for our tests.
func initialize(config rlogConfig, reInitEnvVars bool) {
	var err error

	defer initMutex.Unlock()

	if reInitEnvVars {
		configFromEnvVars = config

	// Read and merge configuration from the config file

	var checkTime int
	checkTime, err = strconv.Atoi(config.confCheckInterv)
	if err == nil {
		settingCheckInterval = time.Duration(checkTime) * time.Second
	} else {
		if config.confCheckInterv != "" {
			rlogIssue("Cannot parse config check interval value '%s'. Using default.",
	settingShowCallerInfo = isTrueBoolString(config.showCallerInfo)
	settingShowGoroutineID = isTrueBoolString(config.showGoroutineID)

	// initialize filters for trace (by default no trace output) and log levels
	// (by default INFO level).
	newTraceFilterSpec := new(filterSpec)
	newTraceFilterSpec.fromString(config.traceLevel, true, noTraceOutput)
	traceFilterSpec = newTraceFilterSpec

	newLogFilterSpec := new(filterSpec)
	newLogFilterSpec.fromString(config.logLevel, false, levelInfo)
	logFilterSpec = newLogFilterSpec

	// Evaluate the specified date/time format
	settingDateTimeFormat = getTimeFormat(config)

	// By default we log to stderr...
	// Evaluating whether a different log stream should be used.
	// By default (if flag is not set) we want to log date and time.
	// Note that in our log writers we disable date/time loggin, since we will
	// take care of producing this ourselves.
	if config.logStream == "STDOUT" {
		logWriterStream = log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0)
	} else if config.logStream == "NONE" {
		logWriterStream = nil
	} else {
		logWriterStream = log.New(os.Stderr, "", 0)

	// ... but if requested we'll also create and/or append to a logfile
	var newLogFile *os.File
	if currentLogFileName != config.logFile { // something changed
		if config.logFile == "" {
			// no more log output to a file
			logWriterFile = nil
		} else {
			// Check if the logfile was changed or was set for the first
			// time. Only then do we need to open/create a new file.
			// We also do this if for some reason we don't have a log writer
			// yet.
			if currentLogFileName != config.logFile || logWriterFile == nil {
				newLogFile, err = os.OpenFile(config.logFile,
					os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
				if err == nil {
					logWriterFile = log.New(newLogFile, "", 0)
				} else {
					rlogIssue("Unable to open log file: %s", err)

		// Close the old logfile, since we are now writing to a new file
		if currentLogFileName != "" {
			currentLogFileName = config.logFile
			currentLogFile = newLogFile

// SetConfFile enables the programmatic setting of a new config file path.
// Any config values specified in that file will be immediately applied.
func SetConfFile(confFileName string) {
	configFromEnvVars.confFile = confFileName
	initialize(configFromEnvVars, false)

// UpdateEnv extracts settings for our logger from environment variables and
// calls the actual initialization function with that configuration.
func UpdateEnv() {
	// Get environment-based configuration
	config := configFromEnv()
	// Pass the environment variable config through to the next stage, which
	// produces an updated config based on config file values.
	initialize(config, true)

// SetOutput re-wires the log output to a new io.Writer. By default rlog
// logs to os.Stderr, but this function can be used to direct the output
// somewhere else. If output to two destinations was specified via environment
// variables then this will change it back to just one output.
func SetOutput(writer io.Writer) {
	// Use the stored date/time flag settings
	logWriterStream = log.New(writer, "", 0)
	logWriterFile = nil
	if currentLogFile != nil {
		currentLogFileName = ""

// isTrueBoolString tests a string to see if it represents a 'true' value.
// The ParseBool function unfortunately doesn't recognize 'y' or 'yes', which
// is why we added that test here as well.
func isTrueBoolString(str string) bool {
	str = strings.ToUpper(str)
	if str == "Y" || str == "YES" {
		return true
	if isTrue, err := strconv.ParseBool(str); err == nil && isTrue {
		return true
	return false

// rlogIssue is used by rlog itself to report issues or problems. This is mostly
// independent of the standard logging settings, since a problem may have
// occurred while trying to establish the standard settings. So, where can rlog
// itself report any problems? For now, we just write those out to stderr.
func rlogIssue(prefix string, a ...interface{}) {
	fmtStr := fmt.Sprintf("rlog - %s\n", prefix)
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, fmtStr, a...)

// basicLog is called by all the 'level' log functions.
// It checks what is configured to be included in the log message, decorates it
// accordingly and assembles the entire line. It then uses the standard log
// package to finally output the message.
func basicLog(logLevel int, traceLevel int, isLocked bool, format string, prefixAddition string, a ...interface{}) {
	now := time.Now()

	// In some cases the caller already got this lock for us
	if !isLocked {
		defer initMutex.RUnlock()

	// Check if it's time to load updated information from the config file
	if settingCheckInterval > 0 && now.Sub(lastConfigFileCheck) > settingCheckInterval {
		// This unlock always happens, since initMutex is locked at this point,
		// either by this function or the caller Initialize needs to be able to
		// Get the full lock, so we need to release ours.
		initialize(configFromEnvVars, false)
		// Take our reader lock again. This is fine, since only the check
		// interval related items were read earlier.

	// Extract information about the caller of the log function, if requested.
	var callingFuncName string
	var moduleAndFileName string
	pc, fullFilePath, line, ok := runtime.Caller(2)
	if ok {
		callingFuncName = runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Name()
		// We only want to print or examine file and package name, so use the
		// last two elements of the full path. The path package deals with
		// different path formats on different systems, so we use that instead
		// of just string-split.
		dirPath, fileName := path.Split(fullFilePath)
		var moduleName string
		if dirPath != "" {
			dirPath = dirPath[:len(dirPath)-1]
			_, moduleName = path.Split(dirPath)
		moduleAndFileName = moduleName + "/" + fileName

	// Perform tests to see if we should log this message.
	var allowLog bool
	if traceLevel == notATrace {
		if logFilterSpec.matchfilters(moduleAndFileName, logLevel) {
			allowLog = true
	} else {
		if traceFilterSpec.matchfilters(moduleAndFileName, traceLevel) {
			allowLog = true
	if !allowLog {

	callerInfo := ""
	if settingShowCallerInfo {
		if settingShowGoroutineID {
			callerInfo = fmt.Sprintf("[%d:%d %s:%d (%s)] ", os.Getpid(),
				getGID(), moduleAndFileName, line, callingFuncName)
		} else {
			callerInfo = fmt.Sprintf("[%d %s:%d (%s)] ", os.Getpid(),
				moduleAndFileName, line, callingFuncName)

	// Assemble the actual log line
	var msg string
	if format != "" {
		msg = fmt.Sprintf(format, a...)
	} else {
		msg = fmt.Sprintln(a...)
	levelDecoration := levelStrings[logLevel] + prefixAddition
	logLine := fmt.Sprintf("%s%-9s: %s%s",
		now.Format(settingDateTimeFormat), levelDecoration, callerInfo, msg)
	if logWriterStream != nil {
	if logWriterFile != nil {

// getGID gets the current goroutine ID (algorithm from
// https://blog.sgmansfield.com/2015/12/goroutine-ids/) by
// unwinding the stack.
func getGID() uint64 {
	b := make([]byte, 64)
	b = b[:runtime.Stack(b, false)]
	b = bytes.TrimPrefix(b, []byte("goroutine "))
	b = b[:bytes.IndexByte(b, ' ')]
	n, _ := strconv.ParseUint(string(b), 10, 64)
	return n

// Trace is for low level tracing of activities. It takes an additional 'level'
// parameter. The RLOG_TRACE_LEVEL variable is used to determine which levels
// of trace message are output: Every message with a level lower or equal to
// what is specified in RLOG_TRACE_LEVEL. If RLOG_TRACE_LEVEL is not defined at
// all then no trace messages are printed.
func Trace(traceLevel int, a ...interface{}) {
	// There are possibly many trace messages. If trace logging isn't enabled
	// then we want to get out of here as quickly as possible.
	defer initMutex.RUnlock()
	if len(traceFilterSpec.filters) > 0 {
		prefixAddition := fmt.Sprintf("(%d)", traceLevel)
		basicLog(levelTrace, traceLevel, true, "", prefixAddition, a...)

// Tracef prints trace messages, with formatting.
func Tracef(traceLevel int, format string, a ...interface{}) {
	// There are possibly many trace messages. If trace logging isn't enabled
	// then we want to get out of here as quickly as possible.
	defer initMutex.RUnlock()
	if len(traceFilterSpec.filters) > 0 {
		prefixAddition := fmt.Sprintf("(%d)", traceLevel)
		basicLog(levelTrace, traceLevel, true, format, prefixAddition, a...)

// Debug prints a message if RLOG_LEVEL is set to DEBUG.
func Debug(a ...interface{}) {
	basicLog(levelDebug, notATrace, false, "", "", a...)

// Debugf prints a message if RLOG_LEVEL is set to DEBUG, with formatting.
func Debugf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
	basicLog(levelDebug, notATrace, false, format, "", a...)

// Info prints a message if RLOG_LEVEL is set to INFO or lower.
func Info(a ...interface{}) {
	basicLog(levelInfo, notATrace, false, "", "", a...)

// Infof prints a message if RLOG_LEVEL is set to INFO or lower, with
// formatting.
func Infof(format string, a ...interface{}) {
	basicLog(levelInfo, notATrace, false, format, "", a...)

// Println prints a message if RLOG_LEVEL is set to INFO or lower.
// Println shouldn't be used except for backward compatibility
// with standard log package, directly using Info is preferred way.
func Println(a ...interface{}) {
	basicLog(levelInfo, notATrace, false, "", "", a...)

// Printf prints a message if RLOG_LEVEL is set to INFO or lower, with
// formatting.
// Printf shouldn't be used except for backward compatibility
// with standard log package, directly using Infof is preferred way.
func Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
	basicLog(levelInfo, notATrace, false, format, "", a...)

// Warn prints a message if RLOG_LEVEL is set to WARN or lower.
func Warn(a ...interface{}) {
	basicLog(levelWarn, notATrace, false, "", "", a...)

// Warnf prints a message if RLOG_LEVEL is set to WARN or lower, with
// formatting.
func Warnf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
	basicLog(levelWarn, notATrace, false, format, "", a...)

// Error prints a message if RLOG_LEVEL is set to ERROR or lower.
func Error(a ...interface{}) {
	basicLog(levelErr, notATrace, false, "", "", a...)

// Errorf prints a message if RLOG_LEVEL is set to ERROR or lower, with
// formatting.
func Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
	basicLog(levelErr, notATrace, false, format, "", a...)

// Critical prints a message if RLOG_LEVEL is set to CRITICAL or lower.
func Critical(a ...interface{}) {
	basicLog(levelCrit, notATrace, false, "", "", a...)

// Criticalf prints a message if RLOG_LEVEL is set to CRITICAL or lower, with
// formatting.
func Criticalf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
	basicLog(levelCrit, notATrace, false, format, "", a...)