// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build ignore // +build ignore // Test cases for mkmerge.go. // Usage: // $ go test mkmerge.go mkmerge_test.go package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "go/parser" "go/token" "html/template" "strings" "testing" ) func TestImports(t *testing.T) { t.Run("importName", func(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { src string ident string }{ {`"syscall"`, "syscall"}, {`. "foobar"`, "."}, {`"go/ast"`, "ast"}, {`moo "go/format"`, "moo"}, {`. "go/token"`, "."}, {`"golang.org/x/sys/unix"`, "unix"}, {`nix "golang.org/x/sys/unix"`, "nix"}, {`_ "golang.org/x/sys/unix"`, "_"}, } for _, c := range cases { pkgSrc := fmt.Sprintf("package main\nimport %s", c.src) f, err := parser.ParseFile(token.NewFileSet(), "", pkgSrc, parser.ImportsOnly) if err != nil { t.Error(err) continue } if len(f.Imports) != 1 { t.Errorf("Got %d imports, expected 1", len(f.Imports)) continue } got, err := importName(f.Imports[0]) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if got != c.ident { t.Errorf("Got %q, expected %q", got, c.ident) } } }) t.Run("filterImports", func(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct{ before, after string }{ {`package test import ( "foo" "bar" )`, "package test\n"}, {`package test import ( "foo" "bar" ) func useFoo() { foo.Usage() }`, `package test import ( "foo" ) func useFoo() { foo.Usage() } `}, } for _, c := range cases { got, err := filterImports([]byte(c.before)) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } if string(got) != c.after { t.Errorf("Got:\n%s\nExpected:\n%s\n", got, c.after) } } }) } func TestMerge(t *testing.T) { // Input architecture files inTmpl := template.Must(template.New("input").Parse(` // Package comments // build directives for arch{{.}} // +build goos,arch{{.}} package main /* #include <stdint.h> #include <stddef.h> int utimes(uintptr_t, uintptr_t); int utimensat(int, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, int); */ import "C" // The imports import ( "commonDep" "uniqueDep{{.}}" ) // Vars var ( commonVar = commonDep.Use("common") uniqueVar{{.}} = "unique{{.}}" ) // Common free standing comment // Common comment const COMMON_INDEPENDENT = 1234 const UNIQUE_INDEPENDENT_{{.}} = "UNIQUE_INDEPENDENT_{{.}}" // Group comment const ( COMMON_GROUP = "COMMON_GROUP" UNIQUE_GROUP_{{.}} = "UNIQUE_GROUP_{{.}}" ) // Group2 comment const ( UNIQUE_GROUP21_{{.}} = "UNIQUE_GROUP21_{{.}}" UNIQUE_GROUP22_{{.}} = "UNIQUE_GROUP22_{{.}}" ) // Group3 comment const ( sub1Common1 = 11 sub1Unique2{{.}} = 12 sub1Common3_LONG = 13 sub2Unique1{{.}} = 21 sub2Common2 = 22 sub2Common3 = 23 sub2Unique4{{.}} = 24 ) type commonInt int type uniqueInt{{.}} int func commonF() string { return commonDep.Use("common") } func uniqueF() string { C.utimes(0, 0) return uniqueDep{{.}}.Use("{{.}}") } // Group4 comment const ( sub3Common1 = 31 sub3Unique2{{.}} = 32 sub3Unique3{{.}} = 33 sub3Common4 = 34 sub4Common1, sub4Unique2{{.}} = 41, 42 sub4Unique3{{.}}, sub4Common4 = 43, 44 ) `)) // Filtered architecture files outTmpl := template.Must(template.New("output").Parse(`// Package comments // build directives for arch{{.}} // +build goos,arch{{.}} package main /* #include <stdint.h> #include <stddef.h> int utimes(uintptr_t, uintptr_t); int utimensat(int, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, int); */ import "C" // The imports import ( "commonDep" "uniqueDep{{.}}" ) // Vars var ( commonVar = commonDep.Use("common") uniqueVar{{.}} = "unique{{.}}" ) const UNIQUE_INDEPENDENT_{{.}} = "UNIQUE_INDEPENDENT_{{.}}" // Group comment const ( UNIQUE_GROUP_{{.}} = "UNIQUE_GROUP_{{.}}" ) // Group2 comment const ( UNIQUE_GROUP21_{{.}} = "UNIQUE_GROUP21_{{.}}" UNIQUE_GROUP22_{{.}} = "UNIQUE_GROUP22_{{.}}" ) // Group3 comment const ( sub1Unique2{{.}} = 12 sub2Unique1{{.}} = 21 sub2Unique4{{.}} = 24 ) type uniqueInt{{.}} int func uniqueF() string { C.utimes(0, 0) return uniqueDep{{.}}.Use("{{.}}") } // Group4 comment const ( sub3Unique2{{.}} = 32 sub3Unique3{{.}} = 33 sub4Common1, sub4Unique2{{.}} = 41, 42 sub4Unique3{{.}}, sub4Common4 = 43, 44 ) `)) const mergedFile = `// Package comments package main // The imports import ( "commonDep" ) // Common free standing comment // Common comment const COMMON_INDEPENDENT = 1234 // Group comment const ( COMMON_GROUP = "COMMON_GROUP" ) // Group3 comment const ( sub1Common1 = 11 sub1Common3_LONG = 13 sub2Common2 = 22 sub2Common3 = 23 ) type commonInt int func commonF() string { return commonDep.Use("common") } // Group4 comment const ( sub3Common1 = 31 sub3Common4 = 34 ) ` // Generate source code for different "architectures" var inFiles, outFiles []srcFile for _, arch := range strings.Fields("A B C D") { buf := new(bytes.Buffer) err := inTmpl.Execute(buf, arch) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } inFiles = append(inFiles, srcFile{"file" + arch, buf.Bytes()}) buf = new(bytes.Buffer) err = outTmpl.Execute(buf, arch) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } outFiles = append(outFiles, srcFile{"file" + arch, buf.Bytes()}) } t.Run("getCodeSet", func(t *testing.T) { got, err := getCodeSet(inFiles[0].src) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } expectedElems := []codeElem{ {token.COMMENT, "Package comments\n"}, {token.COMMENT, "build directives for archA\n"}, {token.COMMENT, "+build goos,archA\n"}, {token.CONST, `COMMON_INDEPENDENT = 1234`}, {token.CONST, `UNIQUE_INDEPENDENT_A = "UNIQUE_INDEPENDENT_A"`}, {token.CONST, `COMMON_GROUP = "COMMON_GROUP"`}, {token.CONST, `UNIQUE_GROUP_A = "UNIQUE_GROUP_A"`}, {token.CONST, `UNIQUE_GROUP21_A = "UNIQUE_GROUP21_A"`}, {token.CONST, `UNIQUE_GROUP22_A = "UNIQUE_GROUP22_A"`}, {token.CONST, `sub1Common1 = 11`}, {token.CONST, `sub1Unique2A = 12`}, {token.CONST, `sub1Common3_LONG = 13`}, {token.CONST, `sub2Unique1A = 21`}, {token.CONST, `sub2Common2 = 22`}, {token.CONST, `sub2Common3 = 23`}, {token.CONST, `sub2Unique4A = 24`}, {token.CONST, `sub3Common1 = 31`}, {token.CONST, `sub3Unique2A = 32`}, {token.CONST, `sub3Unique3A = 33`}, {token.CONST, `sub3Common4 = 34`}, {token.CONST, `sub4Common1, sub4Unique2A = 41, 42`}, {token.CONST, `sub4Unique3A, sub4Common4 = 43, 44`}, {token.TYPE, `commonInt int`}, {token.TYPE, `uniqueIntA int`}, {token.FUNC, `func commonF() string { return commonDep.Use("common") }`}, {token.FUNC, `func uniqueF() string { C.utimes(0, 0) return uniqueDepA.Use("A") }`}, } expected := newCodeSet() for _, d := range expectedElems { expected.add(d) } if len(got.set) != len(expected.set) { t.Errorf("Got %d codeElems, expected %d", len(got.set), len(expected.set)) } for expElem := range expected.set { if !got.has(expElem) { t.Errorf("Didn't get expected codeElem %#v", expElem) } } for gotElem := range got.set { if !expected.has(gotElem) { t.Errorf("Got unexpected codeElem %#v", gotElem) } } }) t.Run("getCommonSet", func(t *testing.T) { got, err := getCommonSet(inFiles) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } expected := newCodeSet() expected.add(codeElem{token.COMMENT, "Package comments\n"}) expected.add(codeElem{token.CONST, `COMMON_INDEPENDENT = 1234`}) expected.add(codeElem{token.CONST, `COMMON_GROUP = "COMMON_GROUP"`}) expected.add(codeElem{token.CONST, `sub1Common1 = 11`}) expected.add(codeElem{token.CONST, `sub1Common3_LONG = 13`}) expected.add(codeElem{token.CONST, `sub2Common2 = 22`}) expected.add(codeElem{token.CONST, `sub2Common3 = 23`}) expected.add(codeElem{token.CONST, `sub3Common1 = 31`}) expected.add(codeElem{token.CONST, `sub3Common4 = 34`}) expected.add(codeElem{token.TYPE, `commonInt int`}) expected.add(codeElem{token.FUNC, `func commonF() string { return commonDep.Use("common") }`}) if len(got.set) != len(expected.set) { t.Errorf("Got %d codeElems, expected %d", len(got.set), len(expected.set)) } for expElem := range expected.set { if !got.has(expElem) { t.Errorf("Didn't get expected codeElem %#v", expElem) } } for gotElem := range got.set { if !expected.has(gotElem) { t.Errorf("Got unexpected codeElem %#v", gotElem) } } }) t.Run("filter(keepCommon)", func(t *testing.T) { commonSet, err := getCommonSet(inFiles) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } got, err := filter(inFiles[0].src, commonSet.keepCommon) expected := []byte(mergedFile) if !bytes.Equal(got, expected) { t.Errorf("Got:\n%s\nExpected:\n%s", addLineNr(got), addLineNr(expected)) diffLines(t, got, expected) } }) t.Run("filter(keepArchSpecific)", func(t *testing.T) { commonSet, err := getCommonSet(inFiles) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } for i := range inFiles { got, err := filter(inFiles[i].src, commonSet.keepArchSpecific) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } expected := outFiles[i].src if !bytes.Equal(got, expected) { t.Errorf("Got:\n%s\nExpected:\n%s", addLineNr(got), addLineNr(expected)) diffLines(t, got, expected) } } }) } func TestMergedName(t *testing.T) { t.Run("getValidGOOS", func(t *testing.T) { testcases := []struct { filename, goos string ok bool }{ {"zerrors_aix.go", "aix", true}, {"zerrors_darwin.go", "darwin", true}, {"zerrors_dragonfly.go", "dragonfly", true}, {"zerrors_freebsd.go", "freebsd", true}, {"zerrors_linux.go", "linux", true}, {"zerrors_netbsd.go", "netbsd", true}, {"zerrors_openbsd.go", "openbsd", true}, {"zerrors_solaris.go", "solaris", true}, {"zerrors_multics.go", "", false}, } for _, tc := range testcases { goos, ok := getValidGOOS(tc.filename) if goos != tc.goos { t.Errorf("got GOOS %q, expected %q", goos, tc.goos) } if ok != tc.ok { t.Errorf("got ok %v, expected %v", ok, tc.ok) } } }) } // Helper functions to diff test sources func diffLines(t *testing.T, got, expected []byte) { t.Helper() gotLines := bytes.Split(got, []byte{'\n'}) expLines := bytes.Split(expected, []byte{'\n'}) i := 0 for i < len(gotLines) && i < len(expLines) { if !bytes.Equal(gotLines[i], expLines[i]) { t.Errorf("Line %d: Got:\n%q\nExpected:\n%q", i+1, gotLines[i], expLines[i]) return } i++ } if i < len(gotLines) && i >= len(expLines) { t.Errorf("Line %d: got %q, expected EOF", i+1, gotLines[i]) } if i >= len(gotLines) && i < len(expLines) { t.Errorf("Line %d: got EOF, expected %q", i+1, gotLines[i]) } } func addLineNr(src []byte) []byte { lines := bytes.Split(src, []byte("\n")) for i, line := range lines { lines[i] = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d: %s", i+1, line)) } return bytes.Join(lines, []byte("\n")) }