// Copyright 2017-2018 DERO Project. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code in any form is governed by RESEARCH license. // license can be found in the LICENSE file. // GPG: 0F39 E425 8C65 3947 702A 8234 08B2 0360 A03A 9DE8 // // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. package dvm import "fmt" import "encoding/binary" import "github.com/deroproject/derohe/cryptography/crypto" // this package exports an interface which is used by blockchain to persist/query data type DataKey struct { SCID crypto.Hash // tx which created the the contract or contract ID Asset crypto.Hash // used only if it repesebts a balane Balance bool // whether this represents a balance Key Variable } type DataAtom struct { Key DataKey Prev_Value Variable // previous Value if any Value Variable // current value if any } type Object map[Variable]Variable type TransferInternal struct { Asset crypto.Hash `cbor:"Asset,omitempty" json:"Asset,omitempty"` // transfer this asset SCID string `cbor:"A,omitempty" json:"A,omitempty"` // transfer to this SCID Amount uint64 `cbor:"V,omitempty" json:"V,omitempty"` // Amount in Atomic units } // any external tranfers type TransferExternal struct { Asset crypto.Hash `cbor:"Asset,omitempty" json:"Asset,omitempty"` // transfer this asset Address string `cbor:"A,omitempty" json:"A,omitempty"` // transfer to this address 33 bytes Amount uint64 `cbor:"V,omitempty" json:"V,omitempty"` // Amount in Atomic units } type SC_Transfers struct { BalanceAtStart uint64 // value at start TransferI []TransferInternal // all internal transfers, SC to other SC TransferE []TransferExternal // all external transfers, SC to external wallets } // all SC load and store operations will go though this type TX_Storage struct { DiskLoader func(DataKey, *uint64) Variable // used to load variabled BalanceLoader func(DataKey) uint64 // used to load balance DiskLoaderRaw func([]byte) ([]byte, bool) SCID crypto.Hash BalanceAtStart uint64 // at runtime this will be fed balance Keys map[DataKey]Variable // this keeps the in-transit DB updates, just in case we have to discard instantly RawKeys map[string][]byte Transfers map[crypto.Hash]SC_Transfers // all transfers ( internal/external ) } var DVM_STORAGE_BACKEND DVM_Storage_Loader // this variable can be hijacked at runtime to offer different stores such as RAM/file/DB etc type DVM_Storage_Loader interface { Load(DataKey, *uint64) Variable Store(DataKey, Variable) RawLoad([]byte) ([]byte, bool) RawStore([]byte, []byte) } // initialize tx store func Initialize_TX_store() (tx_store *TX_Storage) { tx_store = &TX_Storage{Keys: map[DataKey]Variable{}, RawKeys: map[string][]byte{}, Transfers: map[crypto.Hash]SC_Transfers{}} return } func (tx_store *TX_Storage) RawLoad(key []byte) (value []byte, found bool) { if value, found = tx_store.RawKeys[string(key)]; !found { if tx_store.DiskLoaderRaw == nil { return } value, found = tx_store.DiskLoaderRaw(key) } return } func (tx_store *TX_Storage) RawStore(key []byte, value []byte) { tx_store.RawKeys[string(key)] = value return } // this will load the variable, and if the key is found func (tx_store *TX_Storage) Load(dkey DataKey, found_value *uint64) (value Variable) { //fmt.Printf("Loading %+v \n", dkey) *found_value = 0 if result, ok := tx_store.Keys[dkey]; ok { // if it was modified in current TX, use it *found_value = 1 return result } if tx_store.DiskLoader == nil { panic("DVM_STORAGE_BACKEND is not ready") } value = tx_store.DiskLoader(dkey, found_value) return } // store variable func (tx_store *TX_Storage) Store(dkey DataKey, v Variable) { //fmt.Printf("Storing request %+v : %+v\n", dkey, v) tx_store.Keys[dkey] = v } // store variable func (tx_store *TX_Storage) SendExternal(sender_scid, asset crypto.Hash, addr_str string, amount uint64) { //fmt.Printf("Transfer to external address : %+v\n", addr_str) transfer := tx_store.Transfers[sender_scid] transfer.TransferE = append(transfer.TransferE, TransferExternal{Address: addr_str, Asset: asset, Amount: amount}) tx_store.Transfers[sender_scid] = transfer } func GetBalanceKey(scid, asset crypto.Hash) (x DataKey) { x.SCID = scid x.Balance = true x.Key = Variable{Type: String, ValueString: string(asset[:])} return x } /* func GetNormalKey(scid crypto.Key, v Variable) (x DataKey) { x.SCID = scid x.Key = Variable {Type:v.Type, Value: v.Value} return x } */ // why should we not hash the return value to return a hash value // using entire key could be useful, if DB can somehow link between them in the form of buckets and all func (dkey DataKey) MarshalBinary() (ser []byte, err error) { ser, err = dkey.Key.MarshalBinary() return } func (dkey DataKey) MarshalBinaryPanic() (ser []byte) { var err error if dkey.Balance { switch dkey.Key.Type { case String: ser = append(ser, ([]byte(dkey.Key.ValueString))...) // string return default: panic("balance keys can only be string") } } if ser, err = dkey.Key.MarshalBinary(); err != nil { panic(err) } return } // these are used by lowest layers func (v Variable) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) { data = append(data, byte(v.Type)) // add object type switch v.Type { case Invalid: return case Uint64: var buf [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte done := binary.PutUvarint(buf[:], v.ValueUint64) // uint64 data type data = append(data, buf[:done]...) case String: data = append(data, ([]byte(v.ValueString))...) // string default: panic("unknown variable type not implemented") } return } func (v Variable) MarshalBinaryPanic() (ser []byte) { var err error if ser, err = v.MarshalBinary(); err != nil { panic(err) } return } func (v *Variable) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) (err error) { if len(buf) < 1 || Vtype(buf[0]) == Invalid { return fmt.Errorf("invalid, probably corruption") } switch Vtype(buf[0]) { case Invalid: return fmt.Errorf("Invalid cannot be deserialized") case Uint64: v.Type = Uint64 var n int v.ValueUint64, n = binary.Uvarint(buf[1:]) // uint64 data type if n <= 0 { panic("corruption in DB") return fmt.Errorf("corruption in DB") } case String: v.Type = String v.ValueString = string(buf[1:]) return nil default: panic("unknown variable type not implemented") } return }