2022-03-31 04:30:56 +00:00

812 lines
25 KiB

// +build js,wasm
package main
import (
// "bytes"
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
import ""
var miner_tx bool = false
var logger logr.Logger
var Local_wallet_instance *walletapi.Wallet_Memory
func register_wallet_callbacks() {
// this function is used to ping to keep things working
js.Global().Set("go_pinger", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
fmt.Println("go_pinger called")
return nil
js_Create_New_Wallet := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
error_message := "success"
//filename := args[0].String()
password := args[1].String()
if w, err := walletapi.Create_Encrypted_Wallet_Random_Memory( password); err == nil {
error_message = "success"
Local_wallet_instance = w
} else {
error_message = err.Error()
return error_message
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_Create_New_Wallet", js.FuncOf(js_Create_New_Wallet))
js_Create_Encrypted_Wallet_From_Recovery_Words := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
error_message := "error"
w, err := walletapi.Create_Encrypted_Wallet_From_Recovery_Words_Memory(args[1].String(), args[2].String())
if err == nil {
error_message = "success"
Local_wallet_instance = w
Local_wallet_instance.SetNetwork(globals.IsMainnet()) // set mainnet/testnet
} else {
error_message = err.Error()
js.Global().Set("error_message", error_message)
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_Create_Encrypted_Wallet_From_Recovery_Words", js.FuncOf(js_Create_Encrypted_Wallet_From_Recovery_Words))
js_Open_Encrypted_Wallet := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
error_message := "error"
// convert typed array to go array
// this may be slow and needs to be optimized
// as optimization we are converting the data in javascript to hex
// and here we are hex decoding as it is faster than converting each value of typed array
// TODO: later when this gets fixed by go devs, we can incorporate it
src := []byte(args[2].String())
db_array := make([]byte, hex.DecodedLen(len(src)))
n, err := hex.Decode(db_array, src)
db_array = db_array[:n]
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err,"error decoding hex string")
logger.Info("passed DB", "size", len(db_array))
w, err := walletapi.Open_Encrypted_Wallet_Memory( args[1].String(), db_array)
if err == nil {
error_message = "success"
Local_wallet_instance = w
Local_wallet_instance.SetNetwork(globals.IsMainnet()) // set mainnet/testnet
logger.Info("Successfully opened wallet")
} else {
error_message = err.Error()
logger.Error(err,"Error opened wallet")
js.Global().Set("error_message", error_message)
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_Open_Encrypted_Wallet", js.FuncOf(js_Open_Encrypted_Wallet))
js_Create_Wallet := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
//filename := args[0].String()
password := args[1].String()
seed_hex := args[2].String()
error_message := "error"
var seed crypto.Key
seed_raw, err := hex.DecodeString(strings.TrimSpace(seed_hex))
if len(seed_raw) != 32 || err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Recovery Only key must be 64 chars hexadecimal chars")
logger.Error(err,"recovery failed")
error_message = err.Error()
} else {
copy(seed[:], seed_raw[:32])
wallet, err := walletapi.Create_Encrypted_Wallet_Memory( password, new(crypto.BNRed).SetBytes(seed[:]))
if err != nil {
error_message = err.Error()
} else {
error_message = "success"
Local_wallet_instance = wallet
Local_wallet_instance.SetNetwork(globals.IsMainnet()) // set mainnet/testnet
js.Global().Set("error_message", error_message)
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_Create_Wallet", js.FuncOf(js_Create_Wallet))
// generate integrated address at user demand
js_GenerateIntegratedAddress := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
if Local_wallet_instance != nil {
i8 := Local_wallet_instance.GetRandomIAddress8()
js.Global().Set("random_i8_address", i8.String())
//js.Global().Set("random_i8_address_paymentid", fmt.Sprintf("%x", i8.PaymentID))
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_GenerateIAddress", js.FuncOf(js_GenerateIntegratedAddress))
js_GetSeedinLanguage := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
seed := "Some error occurred"
if Local_wallet_instance != nil && len(args) == 1 {
seed = Local_wallet_instance.GetSeedinLanguage(args[0].String())
js.Global().Set("wallet_seed", seed)
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_GetSeedinLanguage", js.FuncOf(js_GetSeedinLanguage))
js_TX_history := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
error_message := "Wallet is Closed"
var buffer []byte
var err error
defer func() {
js.Global().Set("tx_history", string(buffer))
js.Global().Set("error_message", error_message)
if Local_wallet_instance != nil {
min_height, _ := strconv.ParseUint(args[6].String(), 0, 64)
max_height, _ := strconv.ParseUint(args[7].String(), 0, 64)
var zeroscid crypto.Hash
entries := Local_wallet_instance.Show_Transfers(zeroscid,args[0].Bool(), args[1].Bool(), args[2].Bool(),0,0, "args[3].Bool()", "args[4].Bool()", min_height, max_height)
if len(entries) == 0 {
return nil
buffer, err = json.Marshal(entries)
if err != nil {
error_message = err.Error()
return nil
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_TX_History", js.FuncOf(js_TX_history))
js_Transfer2 := func( args []js.Value) interface{} {
transfer_error := "error"
var transfer_txid, transfer_txhex, transfer_fee, transfer_amount, transfer_inputs_sum, transfer_change string
defer func() {
fmt.Printf("setting values of tranfer variables")
js.Global().Set("transfer_txid", transfer_txid)
js.Global().Set("transfer_txhex", transfer_txhex)
js.Global().Set("transfer_amount", transfer_amount)
js.Global().Set("transfer_fee", transfer_fee)
js.Global().Set("transfer_inputs_sum", transfer_inputs_sum)
js.Global().Set("transfer_change", transfer_change)
js.Global().Set("transfer_error", transfer_error)
//rlog.Warnf("setting values of tranfesr variables %s ", transfer_error)
var transfers []rpc.Transfer
if args[0].Length() != args[1].Length() {
fmt.Printf("Destination and amount mismatch")
return nil
for i := 0; i < args[0].Length(); i++ { // convert string address to our native form
_, err := globals.ParseValidateAddress(args[0].Index(i).String())
if err != nil {
if _, err1 := Local_wallet_instance.NameToAddress(string(strings.TrimSpace(string(args[0].Index(i).String())))); err1 != nil {
transfer_error = err.Error()
logger.Error(err,"Parsing address failed", "addr", args[0].Index(i).String())
transfer_error = err.Error()
return nil
} else {
amount, err := globals.ParseAmount(args[1].Index(i).String())
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err,"Parsing amount failed", "amount", args[0].Index(i).String())
transfer_error = err.Error()
return nil
//return nil, jsonrpc.ErrInvalidParams()
transfers = append(transfers, rpc.Transfer{Destination:args[0].Index(i).String(), Amount:amount})
fmt.Printf("address parsed, building tx")
ringsize := uint64(0)
tx, err := Local_wallet_instance.TransferPayload0(transfers, ringsize, false, rpc.Arguments{}, 0,false)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err,"Error while building Transaction err")
transfer_error = err.Error()
return nil
//return nil, &jsonrpc.Error{Code: -2, Message: fmt.Sprintf("Error while building Transaction err %s", err)}
amount := uint64(0)
for i := range transfers {
amount += transfers[i].Amount
transfer_fee = globals.FormatMoney5(tx.Fees())
transfer_amount = globals.FormatMoney5(amount)
transfer_change = "0"
transfer_inputs_sum = "0"
transfer_txid = tx.GetHash().String()
transfer_txhex = hex.EncodeToString(tx.Serialize())
transfer_error = "success"
return nil
js_Transfer := func(this js.Value,args []js.Value) interface{}{
go js_Transfer2(args)
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_Transfer", js.FuncOf(js_Transfer))
js_Transfer_Everything2 := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
transfer_error := "error"
var transfer_txid, transfer_txhex, transfer_fee, transfer_amount, transfer_inputs_sum, transfer_change string
defer func() {
rlog.Warnf("setting values of tranfer variables")
js.Global().Set("transfer_txid", transfer_txid)
js.Global().Set("transfer_txhex", transfer_txhex)
js.Global().Set("transfer_amount", transfer_amount)
js.Global().Set("transfer_fee", transfer_fee)
js.Global().Set("transfer_inputs_sum", transfer_inputs_sum)
js.Global().Set("transfer_change", transfer_change)
js.Global().Set("transfer_error", transfer_error)
rlog.Warnf("setting values of tranfesr variables %s ", transfer_error)
var address_list []address.Address
var amount_list []uint64
if params[0].Length() != 1 {
for i := 0; i < params[0].Length(); i++ { // convert string address to our native form
a, err := globals.ParseValidateAddress(params[0].Index(i).String())
if err != nil {
rlog.Warnf("Parsing address failed %s err %s\n", params[0].Index(i).String(), err)
transfer_error = err.Error()
//return nil, jsonrpc.ErrInvalidParams()
address_list = append(address_list, *a)
payment_id := params[1].String()
if len(payment_id) > 0 && !(len(payment_id) == 64 || len(payment_id) == 16) {
transfer_error = "Invalid payment ID"
return // we should give invalid payment ID
if _, err := hex.DecodeString(payment_id); err != nil {
transfer_error = "Invalid payment ID"
return // we should give invalid payment ID
//unlock_time := uint64(0)
fees_per_kb := uint64(0)
mixin := uint64(0)
tx, inputs, input_sum, err := Local_wallet_instance.Transfer_Everything(address_list[0], payment_id, 0, fees_per_kb, mixin)
_ = inputs
if err != nil {
rlog.Warnf("Error while building Everything Transaction err %s\n", err)
transfer_error = err.Error()
//return nil, &jsonrpc.Error{Code: -2, Message: fmt.Sprintf("Error while building Transaction err %s", err)}
rlog.Infof("Inputs Selected for %s \n", globals.FormatMoney(input_sum))
amount := uint64(0)
for i := range amount_list {
amount += amount_list[i]
amount = uint64(input_sum - tx.RctSignature.Get_TX_Fee())
change := uint64(0)
rlog.Infof("Transfering everything total amount %s \n", globals.FormatMoney(amount))
rlog.Infof("change amount ( will come back ) %s \n", globals.FormatMoney(change))
rlog.Infof("fees %s \n", globals.FormatMoney(tx.RctSignature.Get_TX_Fee()))
rlog.Infof(" size of tx %d", len(hex.EncodeToString(tx.Serialize())))
transfer_fee = globals.FormatMoney12(tx.RctSignature.Get_TX_Fee())
transfer_amount = globals.FormatMoney12(amount)
transfer_change = globals.FormatMoney12(change)
transfer_inputs_sum = globals.FormatMoney12(input_sum)
transfer_txid = tx.GetHash().String()
transfer_txhex = hex.EncodeToString(tx.Serialize())
transfer_error = "success"
js_Transfer_Everything := func(params []js.Value) {
go js_Transfer_Everything2(params)
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_Transfer_Everything", js.NewCallback(js_Transfer_Everything))
js_Relay_TX2 := func( args []js.Value) {
hex_tx := strings.TrimSpace(args[0].String())
tx_bytes, err := hex.DecodeString(hex_tx)
if err != nil {
js.Global().Set("relay_error", fmt.Sprintf("Transaction Could NOT be hex decoded err %s", err))
var tx transaction.Transaction
err = tx.Deserialize(tx_bytes)
if err != nil {
js.Global().Set("relay_error", fmt.Sprintf("Transaction Could NOT be deserialized err %s", err))
err = Local_wallet_instance.SendTransaction(&tx) // relay tx to daemon/network
if err != nil {
js.Global().Set("relay_error", fmt.Sprintf("Transaction sending failed txid = %s, err %s", tx.GetHash(), err))
js.Global().Set("relay_error", "success")
js_Relay_TX := func(this js.Value,params []js.Value) interface{} {
go js_Relay_TX2(params)
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_Relay_TX", js.FuncOf(js_Relay_TX))
js_Register_2 := func( args []js.Value) {
if Local_wallet_instance == nil {
var reg_tx *transaction.Transaction
successful_regs := make(chan *transaction.Transaction)
counter := 0
fmt.Printf("Beginning wallet registeration")
for i := 0; i < runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0); i++ {
go func() {
for counter == 0 {
lreg_tx := Local_wallet_instance.GetRegistrationTX()
hash := lreg_tx.GetHash()
if hash[0] == 0 && hash[1] == 0 && hash[2] == 0 {
successful_regs <- lreg_tx
reg_tx = <-successful_regs
fmt.Printf("Registration TXID %s\n", reg_tx.GetHash())
err := Local_wallet_instance.SendTransaction(reg_tx)
_ = err
js_Register := func(this js.Value,params []js.Value) interface{} {
go js_Register_2(params)
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_Register", js.FuncOf(js_Register))
js_Close_Encrypted_Wallet :=func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
if Local_wallet_instance != nil {
Local_wallet_instance = nil
fmt.Printf("Wallet has been closed\n")
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_Close_Encrypted_Wallet", js.FuncOf(js_Close_Encrypted_Wallet))
// these function does NOT report back anything
js_Rescan_Blockchain := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
if Local_wallet_instance != nil {
Local_wallet_instance.Clean() // clean existing data from wallet
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_Rescan_Blockchain", js.FuncOf(js_Rescan_Blockchain))
// this function does NOT report back anything
js_SetOnline := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
if Local_wallet_instance != nil {
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_SetOnline", js.FuncOf(js_SetOnline))
// this function does NOT report back anything
js_SetOffline := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
if Local_wallet_instance != nil {
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_SetOffline", js.FuncOf(js_SetOffline))
// this function does NOT report back anything
js_ChangePassword := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
if Local_wallet_instance != nil {
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_ChangePassword", js.FuncOf(js_ChangePassword))
// this function does NOT report back anything
js_SetInitialHeight := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_SetInitialHeight", js.FuncOf(js_SetInitialHeight))
// this function does NOT report back anything
js_SetMixin := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
if Local_wallet_instance != nil {
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_SetMixin", js.FuncOf(js_SetMixin))
// this function does NOT report back anything
js_SetFeeMultiplier := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
if Local_wallet_instance != nil {
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_SetFeeMultiplier", js.FuncOf(js_SetFeeMultiplier))
// this function does NOT report back anything
js_SetSyncTime := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
if Local_wallet_instance != nil {
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_SetSyncTime", js.FuncOf(js_SetSyncTime))
// this function does NOT report back anything
js_SetDaemonAddress := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
if Local_wallet_instance != nil {
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_SetDaemonAddress", js.FuncOf(js_SetDaemonAddress))
// some apis to detect parse validate address
// this will setup some fields
js_VerifyAddress := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
var address_main, address_paymentid, address_error string
var address_valid, address_integrated bool
address_error = "error"
addr, err := globals.ParseValidateAddress(args[0].String())
if err == nil {
address_valid = true
if addr.IsIntegratedAddress() {
address_integrated = true
//address_paymentid = fmt.Sprintf("%x", addr.PaymentID)
} else {
address_integrated = false
address_error = "success"
} else {
address_error = err.Error()
address_valid = false
address_integrated = false
js.Global().Set("address_error", address_error)
js.Global().Set("address_main", address_main)
js.Global().Set("address_paymentid", address_paymentid)
js.Global().Set("address_valid", address_valid)
js.Global().Set("address_integrated", address_integrated)
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_VerifyAddress", js.FuncOf(js_VerifyAddress))
js_VerifyAmount := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{}{
var amount_valid bool
lamountstr := strings.TrimSpace(args[0].String())
_, err := globals.ParseAmount(lamountstr)
if err != nil {
js.Global().Set("amount_valid", amount_valid)
js.Global().Set("amount_error", err.Error())
return nil
amount_valid = true
js.Global().Set("amount_valid", amount_valid)
js.Global().Set("amount_error", "success")
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_VerifyAmount", js.FuncOf(js_VerifyAmount))
js_VerifyPassword := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
password_error := "error"
if Local_wallet_instance != nil {
valid := Local_wallet_instance.Check_Password(args[0].String())
if valid {
password_error = "success"
js.Global().Set("password_error", password_error)
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_VerifyPassword", js.FuncOf(js_VerifyPassword))
js_GetEncryptedCopy := func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
wallet_encrypted_error := "success"
var encrypted_bytes []byte
if Local_wallet_instance != nil {
encrypted_bytes = Local_wallet_instance.Get_Encrypted_Wallet()
a := js.Global().Get("Uint8Array").New(len(encrypted_bytes))
js.CopyBytesToJS(a, encrypted_bytes)
js.Global().Set("wallet_encrypted_dump", js.Global().Get("Int8Array").New(a.Get("buffer")))
js.Global().Set("wallet_encrypted_error", wallet_encrypted_error)
return nil
js.Global().Set("DERO_JS_GetEncryptedCopy", js.FuncOf(js_GetEncryptedCopy))
// if this remain empty, default is used
var daemon_address = "" // this is setup below at runtime
// this wasm module exports necessary wallet apis to javascript
func main() {
fmt.Printf("running go now\n")
globals.Arguments = map[string]interface{}{}
logger = globals.Logger
globals.Config = config.Mainnet
debug.SetGCPercent(40) // start GC at 40%
href := js.Global().Get("location").Get("href")
u, err := url.Parse(href.String())
if err == nil {
r := strings.NewReplacer("0", "",
"1", "",
"2", "",
"3", "",
"4", "",
"5", "",
"6", "",
"7", "",
"8", "",
"9", "",
".", "",
":", "",
fmt.Printf("u %+v\n", u)
fmt.Printf("scheme %+v\n", u.Scheme)
fmt.Printf("Host %+v\n", u.Host)
if u.Scheme == "http" || u.Scheme == "" { // we do not support DNS names for http, for security reasons
if len(r.Replace(u.Host)) == 0 { // number is an ipadress
if strings.Contains(u.Host, ":") {
daemon_address = u.Host // set the daemon address
} else {
daemon_address = u.Host + ":80" // set the daemon address
} else if u.Scheme == "https" {
if strings.Contains(u.Host, ":") {
daemon_address = u.Scheme + "://" + u.Host // set the daemon address
} else {
daemon_address = u.Scheme + "://" + u.Host + ":443" // set the daemon address
if len(daemon_address) == 0 {
if globals.IsMainnet() {
daemon_address = ""
} else {
daemon_address = ""
fmt.Printf("error parsing url",err)
walletapi.SetDaemonAddress(daemon_address) // set daemon address
fmt.Printf("daemon_address %s\n",daemon_address)
fmt.Printf("registering callbacks")
fmt.Printf("registered callbacks")
go walletapi.Keep_Connectivity() // maintain connectivity
// init the lookup table one, anyone importing walletapi should init this first
//go walletapi.Initialize_LookupTable(1, 1<<18)
go update_balance()
select {} // if this return, program will exit
func update_balance() {
wallet_version_string := config.Version.String()
for {
unlocked_balance := uint64(0)
locked_balance := uint64(0)
total_balance := uint64(0)
wallet_height := uint64(0)
daemon_height := uint64(0)
wallet_topo_height := uint64(0)
daemon_topo_height := uint64(0)
wallet_initial_height := int64(0)
wallet_address := ""
wallet_available := false
wallet_complete := true
wallet_online := false
wallet_mixin := 16
wallet_fees_multiplier := float64(1.5)
wallet_daemon_address := ""
wallet_sync_time := int64(0)
wallet_minimum_topo_height := int64(-1)
wallet_error := ""
if Local_wallet_instance != nil {
unlocked_balance, locked_balance = Local_wallet_instance.Get_Balance()
total_balance = unlocked_balance + locked_balance
wallet_height = Local_wallet_instance.Get_Height()
daemon_height = Local_wallet_instance.Get_Daemon_Height()
wallet_topo_height = uint64(Local_wallet_instance.Get_TopoHeight())
daemon_topo_height = uint64(Local_wallet_instance.Get_Daemon_TopoHeight())
wallet_address = Local_wallet_instance.GetAddress().String()
wallet_available = true
//wallet_initial_height = Local_wallet_instance.GetInitialHeight()
wallet_online = Local_wallet_instance.GetMode()
wallet_mixin = Local_wallet_instance.GetRingSize()
wallet_fees_multiplier = float64(Local_wallet_instance.GetFeeMultiplier())
wallet_daemon_address = Local_wallet_instance.Daemon_Endpoint
if Local_wallet_instance.Error != nil {
wallet_error = Local_wallet_instance.Error.Error()
//wallet_sync_time = Local_wallet_instance.SetDelaySync(0)
// wallet_minimum_topo_height = Local_wallet_instance.GetMinimumTopoHeight()
js.Global().Set("wallet_address", wallet_address)
js.Global().Set("total_balance", globals.FormatMoney(total_balance))
js.Global().Set("locked_balance", globals.FormatMoney(locked_balance))
js.Global().Set("unlocked_balance", globals.FormatMoney(unlocked_balance))
js.Global().Set("wallet_height", wallet_height)
js.Global().Set("daemon_height", daemon_height)
js.Global().Set("wallet_topo_height", wallet_topo_height)
js.Global().Set("daemon_topo_height", daemon_topo_height)
js.Global().Set("wallet_available", wallet_available)
js.Global().Set("wallet_complete", wallet_complete)
js.Global().Set("wallet_initial_height", wallet_initial_height)
js.Global().Set("wallet_online", wallet_online)
js.Global().Set("wallet_mixin", wallet_mixin)
js.Global().Set("wallet_fees_multiplier", wallet_fees_multiplier)
js.Global().Set("wallet_daemon_address", wallet_daemon_address)
js.Global().Set("wallet_version_string", wallet_version_string)
js.Global().Set("wallet_sync_time", wallet_sync_time)
js.Global().Set("wallet_minimum_topo_height", wallet_minimum_topo_height)
js.Global().Set("wallet_error", wallet_error)
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // update max 10 times per second
var i8_address, i8_address_paymentid string
// generate integrated address at user demand
func generate_integrated_address() {
if Local_wallet_instance != nil {
i8 := Local_wallet_instance.GetRandomIAddress8()
js.Global().Set("random_i8_address", i8.String())
//js.Global().Set("random_i8_address_paymentid", fmt.Sprintf("%x", i8.PaymentID))