267 lines
9.6 KiB
267 lines
9.6 KiB
package walletapi
import "fmt"
import "math/big"
//import "encoding/binary"
import mathrand "math/rand"
import "github.com/deroproject/derohe/globals"
import "github.com/deroproject/derohe/rpc"
import "github.com/deroproject/derohe/transaction"
import "github.com/deroproject/derohe/cryptography/crypto"
import "github.com/deroproject/derohe/cryptography/bn256"
// generate proof etc
func (w *Wallet_Memory) BuildTransaction(transfers []rpc.Transfer, emap map[string]map[string][]byte, rings [][]*bn256.G1, height uint64, scdata rpc.Arguments, roothash []byte, max_bits_array []int) *transaction.Transaction {
var tx transaction.Transaction
sender := w.account.Keys.Public.G1()
sender_secret := w.account.Keys.Secret.BigInt()
tx.Version = 1
tx.Height = height
tx.TransactionType = transaction.NORMAL
if burn_value >= 1 {
tx.TransactionType = transaction.BURN_TX
tx.Value = burn_value
if len(scdata) >= 1 {
tx.TransactionType = transaction.SC_TX
tx.SCDATA = scdata
reg_tx := w.GetRegistrationTX()
tx.MinerAddress = reg_tx.MinerAddress
tx.S = reg_tx.S
tx.C = reg_tx.C
crand := mathrand.New(globals.NewCryptoRandSource())
var witness_list []crypto.Witness
for t, _ := range transfers {
var publickeylist, C, CLn, CRn []*bn256.G1
var D bn256.G1
receiver_addr, _ := rpc.NewAddress(transfers[t].Destination)
receiver := receiver_addr.PublicKey.G1()
var witness_index []int
for i := 0; i < len(rings[t]); i++ { // todocheck whether this is power of 2 or not
witness_index = append(witness_index, i)
max_bits := max_bits_array[t]
for ; max_bits%8 != 0; max_bits++ { // round to next higher byte size
//witness_index[3], witness_index[1] = witness_index[1], witness_index[3]
for {
crand.Shuffle(len(witness_index), func(i, j int) {
witness_index[i], witness_index[j] = witness_index[j], witness_index[i]
// make sure sender and receiver are not both odd or both even
// sender will always be at witness_index[0] and receiver will always be at witness_index[1]
if witness_index[0]%2 != witness_index[1]%2 {
// Lots of ToDo for this, enables satisfying lots of other things
anonset_publickeys := rings[t][2:]
ebalances_list := make([]*crypto.ElGamal, 0, len(rings[t]))
for i := range witness_index {
switch i {
case witness_index[0]:
publickeylist = append(publickeylist, sender)
ebalances_list = append(ebalances_list, new(crypto.ElGamal).Deserialize(emap[string(transfers[t].SCID.String())][sender.String()]))
case witness_index[1]:
publickeylist = append(publickeylist, receiver)
ebalances_list = append(ebalances_list, new(crypto.ElGamal).Deserialize(emap[string(transfers[t].SCID.String())][receiver.String()]))
publickeylist = append(publickeylist, anonset_publickeys[0])
ebalances_list = append(ebalances_list, new(crypto.ElGamal).Deserialize(emap[string(transfers[t].SCID.String())][anonset_publickeys[0].String()]))
anonset_publickeys = anonset_publickeys[1:]
// fmt.Printf("adding %d %s (ring count %d) \n", i,publickeylist[i].String(), len(anonset_publickeys))
// fmt.Printf("len of publickeylist %d \n", len(publickeylist))
// revealing r will disclose the amount and the sender and receiver and separate anonymous ring members
// calculate r deterministically, so its different every transaction, in emergency it can be given to other, and still will not allows key attacks
rinputs := append([]byte{}, roothash[:]...)
for i := range publickeylist {
rinputs = append(rinputs, publickeylist[i].EncodeCompressed()...)
rencrypted := new(bn256.G1).ScalarMult(crypto.HashToPoint(crypto.HashtoNumber(append([]byte(crypto.PROTOCOL_CONSTANT), rinputs...))), sender_secret)
r := crypto.ReducedHash(rencrypted.EncodeCompressed())
//r := crypto.RandomScalarFixed()
//fmt.Printf("r %s\n", r.Text(16))
var asset transaction.AssetPayload
asset.SCID = transfers[t].SCID
asset.BurnValue = transfers[t].Burn
fees := uint64(0)
value := transfers[t].Amount
burn_value := transfers[t].Burn
if asset.SCID.IsZero() && (value+burn_value) == 0 {
fees = 1
for i := range publickeylist { // setup commitments
var x bn256.G1
switch {
case i == witness_index[0]:
x.ScalarMult(crypto.G, new(big.Int).SetInt64(0-int64(value)-int64(fees)-int64(burn_value))) // decrease senders balance
//fmt.Printf("sender %s \n", x.String())
case i == witness_index[1]:
x.ScalarMult(crypto.G, new(big.Int).SetInt64(int64(value))) // increase receiver's balance
//fmt.Printf("receiver %s \n", x.String())
// lets encrypt the payment id, it's simple, we XOR the paymentID
blinder := new(bn256.G1).ScalarMult(publickeylist[i], r)
// we must obfuscate it for non-client call
if len(publickeylist) >= 512 {
panic("currently we donot support ring size >= 512")
data, _ := transfers[t].Payload_RPC.CheckPack(transaction.PAYLOAD0_LIMIT)
asset.RPCPayload = append([]byte{byte(uint(witness_index[0]))}, data...)
//fmt.Printf("%d packed rpc payload %d %x\n ", t, len(data), data)
// make sure used data encryption is optional, just in case we would like to play together with ring members
crypto.EncryptDecryptUserData(blinder, asset.RPCPayload)
x.ScalarMult(crypto.G, new(big.Int).SetInt64(0))
x.Add(new(bn256.G1).Set(&x), new(bn256.G1).ScalarMult(publickeylist[i], r)) // hide all commitments behind r
C = append(C, &x)
D.ScalarMult(crypto.G, r)
//fmt.Printf("t %d publickeylist %d\n", t, len(publickeylist))
for i := range publickeylist {
var ebalance *crypto.ElGamal
switch {
case i == witness_index[0]:
ebalance = new(crypto.ElGamal).Deserialize(emap[string(transfers[t].SCID.String())][sender.String()])
case i == witness_index[1]:
ebalance = new(crypto.ElGamal).Deserialize(emap[string(transfers[t].SCID.String())][receiver.String()])
//fmt.Printf("receiver %s \n", x.String())
//x.ScalarMult(crypto.G, new(big.Int).SetInt64(0))
// panic("anon ring currently not supported")
ebalance = ebalances_list[i]
var ll, rr bn256.G1
//ebalance := b.balances[publickeylist[i].String()] // note these are taken from the chain live
ll.Add(ebalance.Left, C[i])
CLn = append(CLn, &ll)
// fmt.Printf("%d CLnG %x\n", i,CLn[i].EncodeCompressed())
rr.Add(ebalance.Right, &D)
CRn = append(CRn, &rr)
// fmt.Printf("%d CRnG %x\n",i, CRn[i].EncodeCompressed())
// decode balance now
balance := w.DecodeEncryptedBalanceNow(new(crypto.ElGamal).Deserialize(emap[string(transfers[t].SCID.String())][sender.String()]))
//fmt.Printf("t %d scid %s balance %d\n", t, transfers[t].SCID, balance)
// time for bullets-sigma
statement := GenerateStatement(CLn, CRn, publickeylist, C, &D, fees) // generate statement
copy(statement.Roothash[:], roothash[:])
statement.Bytes_per_publickey = byte(max_bits / 8)
witness := GenerateWitness(sender_secret, r, value, balance-value-fees-burn_value, witness_index)
witness_list = append(witness_list, witness)
// this goes to proof.u
//Print(statement, witness)
asset.Statement = statement
tx.Payloads = append(tx.Payloads, asset)
// get ready for another round by internal processing of state
for i := range publickeylist {
balance := new(crypto.ElGamal).Deserialize(emap[string(transfers[t].SCID.String())][publickeylist[i].String()])
echanges := crypto.ConstructElGamal(statement.C[i], statement.D)
balance = balance.Add(echanges) // homomorphic addition of changes
emap[string(transfers[t].SCID.String())][publickeylist[i].String()] = balance.Serialize() // reserialize and store
u := new(bn256.G1).ScalarMult(crypto.HashToPoint(crypto.HashtoNumber(append([]byte(crypto.PROTOCOL_CONSTANT), tx.Payloads[0].Statement.Roothash[:]...))), sender_secret) // this should be moved to generate proof
for t := range transfers {
tx.Payloads[t].Proof = crypto.GenerateProof(&tx.Payloads[t].Statement, &witness_list[t], u, tx.GetHash(), tx.Payloads[t].BurnValue)
// after the tx is serialized, it loses information which is then fed by blockchain
//fmt.Printf("txhash before %s\n", tx.GetHash())
for t := range tx.Payloads {
if tx.Payloads[t].Proof.Verify(&tx.Payloads[t].Statement, tx.GetHash(), tx.Payloads[t].BurnValue) {
//fmt.Printf("TX verified with proof successfuly %s burn_value %d\n", tx.GetHash(), tx.Payloads[t].BurnValue)
//fmt.Printf("Statement %+v\n", tx.Payloads[t].Statement)
//fmt.Printf("Proof %+v\n", tx.Payloads[t].Proof)
} else {
//fmt.Printf("TX verification failed !!!!!!!!!!\n")
fmt.Printf("TX verification failed, did u try sending more than you have !!!!!!!!!!\n")
serialized := tx.Serialize()
fmt.Printf("serialized kength %d \n", len(serialized)*2)
var dtx transaction.Transaction
fmt.Printf("err deserialing %s\n", dtx.DeserializeHeader(serialized))
serialized = dtx.Serialize()
fmt.Printf("dtx2 serialized kength %d\n", len(serialized)*2)
fmt.Printf("txhash after %s scdata %+v\n", dtx.GetHash(), tx.SCDATA)
return &tx
// generate statement
func GenerateStatement(CLn, CRn, publickeylist, C []*bn256.G1, D *bn256.G1, fees uint64) crypto.Statement {
return crypto.Statement{CLn: CLn, CRn: CRn, Publickeylist: publickeylist, C: C, D: D, Fees: fees}
// generate witness
func GenerateWitness(secretkey, r *big.Int, TransferAmount, Balance uint64, index []int) crypto.Witness {
return crypto.Witness{SecretKey: secretkey, R: r, TransferAmount: TransferAmount, Balance: Balance, Index: index}